The rumor is that I’m a smart girl and all… but hey! Lazyweb! I’m sure there is some easy way for me to start following a bunch of blogs on blogspot but I have no idea what that way is. I get kind of annoyed with having to go to each separate url from my bookmarks–if that doesn’t reveal modern laziness I don’t know what does. So, does anyone have a super easy shortcut to tell me about?
Oh, and in other news: you all don’t post nearly enough.
i posted…
there’s this seat in dressage riding called “posting.”
whenever i hear of posting i always think of riding.
ms. rbus rode english saddle, y’know….
Google Reader (, or just Google “rss reader” and it will give you the Google option as well as others… you can add LJ blogs to your reader as well as Blogspot blogs.
You can try google reader Most of the blogspot blogs have rss feeds.
Yar, RSS aggregator is the way to go. Firefox even supports RSS on a fresh install through the LiveBookmark feature, and can use add-ons to do more aggregation and such.
I post but I’ve been in a ranty mood recently.
I second the google reader. I have the blogspot blogs as well as my time wasters (FMyLife, Texts from Last night, Fail blog, etc) all there and can keep up with them that way.
yet another vote for I follow LJ, blogspot and virtually everything else from there.
from Debs
I use google reader too. i use it to follow your blog on lj, several on blogspot and wordpress, a couple of random blogs that are independent websites by my web savvy friends from long ago, and several professional bloggers. everytime i click ‘add rss’ though, it offers to add it to my google homepage. i’ve always wondered if i should do that instead. i know someone who also used to put it on his iGoogle page as well. and the Blogspot homepage will also let you follow, but i dont know if you can follow other websites other than blogger.
ps. i’ve been updating almost once a week for a few weeks now.
I’m another vote for google reader. I started using it a couple months back for similar sorts of following.