But I’m pretty darn sure I want a food processor for Christmas. Given the ridiculous amount of cooking from scratch I do (daily) the chopping of vegetables is way old. Mmmmm more power.
Of course I am doing research online, but it seems to be a toss up between Cuisinart and KitchenAid. Any strong opinions you want to share with me on this topic?
The bowl to my KitchenAid really didn’t like being dishwashed regularly–it lasted about a year, maybe a year and a half. If the replacement self destructs, I’ll be replacing the unit with a Cuisinart.
I really like my Cuisinart it is wonderful! I use it all the time to make pesto and it made making jam much easier this summer.
I did some research before ending up with my (pink) Kitchen Aid. I used to have a Cuisinart which I liked. Back then they used Sabatier to make their knives but no longer.
One thing I don’t like about the Kitchen Aid: it collects too much water on the base in the dishwasher. Little inner rim plus the standard place. But other wise, I like. There are customer reviews to read on some web sites.
I’ve read tons and tons of reviews. But the problem with online reviews from the unwashed masses is I can’t tell which problems are created due to user stupidity. From my friends I’m pretty sure that big problems are due to faulty equipment.
I’m watching this just to see what gets recommended. I’ve been wanting a food processor for a while, since my hands don’t chop food and without chopped stuff cooking is much more limited. (I can still bake, yay!)
Oh, and if you want, I can ask Brian to dig through his online subscription to Consumer Reports and our Cook’s Illustrated to see what they recommend.
I bought an older used Cuisinart off craigslist. Nice fellow gave me a quick “how to” demo in the parking lot where I picked it up. Paid half retail.
Never used the Kitchenaid but I like the Cuisinart. It rocks for making soup.
For just chopping, either may be overkill. A friend has a manual food chopper she loves. Weighs less, all parts go in the dishwasher, and therefore easier to clean.
this one’s better!