I’m going to Portland. Just to visit people, I’m not moving or anything.
On the 16th of November I leave my house and drive to Eureka. I will be staying with a friend overnight and chit-chatting.
On the 17th I drive to Eugene and stay with a different friend. We have lots and lots to talk about because I haven’t seen her since before I got pregnant.
On the 18th I drive up to Dad’s in Vancouver. I am staying there till the Friday after Thanksgiving. It means I am missing Turkeyfest, which is very sad. Noah is thinking he might go without me.
So, would anyone like to see me up in Portland?
I will wave as I pass by! (:
Have a GREAT trip! We’ll miss you at T-fest. Of course we’d love to see Noah.
If you’ve got time & interest, I’d love to see you for a bit. Will Shanna be with you?
I’ve got time and interest. Of course Shanna will be with me. We are still attached at the boob.
I didn’t want to presume on any of those items
Let me know closer to the trip what you might be interested in, and some idea of when you might be available. I am usually out of work by 4, and I will be off work the whole week of Thanksgiving.
I really want to go to OMSI and I’ve never been. I hear there is a gnarly kid area.
Most of OMSI is kid-friendly, but yeah, there’s a part of it that’s designed with the smaller set in mind. That would be fantastic
=( Can not manage another trip across country so soon. But next year I’ll be going there around the 18th of September, so if you happen to have plans for travel that way in a year, and are flexible, we could hit Saturday Market or something. =D
Not that you really know me or anything *blush*, but I adore meeting people.
I expect to still be living in Eugene (well, Springfield) at that time, but it’s entirely possible that I’ll be in Portland for some or all of that weekend (the 20/21/22). I’m sorta not planning much right now, because that’s within the time frame within which I hope to be actively house-hunting and/or signing a lease, and I don’t really know how the timing of all that is going to work out. But it’d be kinda nifty to see you for a bit, if last-minute (or at least later-minute) planning is a possibility.