+ Hanging out with the blacksheep all day plus brief appearances with her Frogling and husband
+ Pastrami sandwich the size of my head
+ Seeing Mr. and Mrs. HotPockets
+ Totally awesome shopping at the Hanna Andersson store
+ Totally enjoyed the toy store
+ Shanna has behaved super well despite very minimal napping and being in and out of the car
+ Fantastic Mongolian BBQ at some grocery store
+ Can’t beat heated seats
+ Good bonding time with Dad
+ Awesome hand-me-downs
– Still haven’t heard from C
– Miss Noah
– Still sad
– Bleeding sucks
Overall it’s been a great day.
I’m so glad the pluses are outweighing the minuses for the day. And you’re in my thoughts about the minuses, because, well, they’re still minuses.
yea +s.
into every life some -s must fall…