Periodically I have filthy dreams about my friends. They are usually a whole lot of fun. I wonder about the etiquette about telling people about them. So a poll:
Periodically I have filthy dreams about my friends. They are usually a whole lot of fun. I wonder about the etiquette about telling people about them. So a poll:
if *i’m* appearing in any of your dirty dreams you had better stop eating whatever food that was before you go to bed for the rest of eternity!
Friends usually pop up in my dreams in a sexual way sort of in passing. Like last night I was walking down a city street, saw a friend, kissed her deeply, squeezed her butt, then we both went on our way.
The second poll also needs a “Sure, it could be really hot.” item. Consider that checked.
Other: “Hell yes” was a little strong, none of the others quite fit. Consider it a “sure, I suppose so” kind of thing.
This is of course assuming this would ever, ever happen.
This is mostly where I’m at. I decided I was comfortable enough to use “hell yes” any way. =p
I’m insecure, so if A was in a dream of yours, I’d need to know he still wants me?
That’s pretty funny, Paula
if my spouse appears is that grounds for d-i-v-o-r-c-e?
You know… it’s not outside the realm of possibility… I know people!
I don’t have a partner right now, but if I did I’d say yes.
If you have a dream about my partner, I would love to hear about it, but I’d be more curious what sort of person you dreamt up and why you associated them with me, since I don’t think you know much about him aside from being a “he”. :lol
How about an option for
“We want to hear about your dirty dreams even if they’re about OTHER people’s partners, or heck, even people we completely don’t know, just cuz _you’re_ hot and dirty and fun and sexy and all that!”
Because I’d have clicked that one.
Re: How about an option for
You’re so predictable. In a good way.
Re: How about an option for
But your stories and dreams have always been such good porn, and we want to hear all about it!