Apparently Shanna is choosing this week to start potty training herself. I had completely given up on EC because she was so hostile to pottying for a long time. But this week she has decided to start asking for the potty almost 50% of the time. I think with a little encouragement from me she will be out of diapers in another week because I think she just needs a little bit of reminding. Like she woke up this morning and announced, “Mama potty poop.” And she did.
Now how’s that as a follow up to my dirty dreams?
Whoah. I’m *really* looking forward to seeing her in, um, a bit less than two days now.
It seems like her talking is getting noticeably better in the last week and a bit. Not just from this — on the phone, too, she sounds like she’s doing better.
You are going to be amazed. This has been a dramatic week. Her speech has improved by leaps and bounds. She was sorta barely kinda trying to string two words together when I left. Now she is consistently doing three or four word sentences. Certainly not every time, but it’s amazing.
It was great fun talking with her at the zoo. I’m so glad I got to see the two of you. Maybe next time I’ll get to see Noah as well.