Based on what I have read and how much is left to do I can probably get the mudding completely done this week in the garage (thanks to the generous help of awesome people) and I can probably even get the garage painted with primer if not with colored paint.
I need to get baking done. I have barely started. I could also stretch this into next week if I have to but I would prefer not.
I need to get the holiday cards addressed so they can go in the mail the day I get the pictures back or they won’t go out at all.
I need to get cooking done that uses up this week’s vegetables.
And there is the constant avalanche of crap inherit in living with a toddler. I would love to just ignore this part for the whole week but Noah gets cranky.
And let’s not get into how desperately my bathroom needs cleaning.
I’m tired before the work even begins.
Love this icon. Obviously you must have the paid for LJ account and get a plethora of icon options. Do you make any of them up yourself?
The only ones I’ve made are the ones with pictures of me/Noah/Shanna. Other than that I icon stalk.
I actually have a permanent account. I’ll never pay again. It’s one reason I’m attached to people staying at lj instead of migrating to other services.
Yay! Holiday baking! Marcie and I are going to do a fruitcake. A good fruitcake, that is.
I also want to do a fruit cobbler recipe from my family. Mm…..sweets.
I shall hope a good fruitcake means “soaked in rum”, because I’m like that
I’m coming early, now, I can sit around and annoy you, clean the bathroom (of which I refuse to do showers/tubs) or, I could mud, or just keep Shana occupied to the best of my ability, while you get stuff done, your choice.
Or you could not let me in and I’ll sit outside and read till its time for your massage.
Hugs, I’ll be there early
You are all cute and stuff.
Mudding only needs a little bit more and it can’t be done until Friday. My nephew will be coming over to help with that.
I could clean the bathroom while you watch.
I could bake cookies while you watch.
Yay for seeing Taylor!