The boxes from Noah’s parents have finished arriving. I’m somewhat shocked by the generosity. I mean, my family buys a lot of stuff but it’s mostly crap. There was a really really nice doll unwrapped on the top so that when we opened the box Shanna’s face lit up like a candle. It’s rather impressive.
And then there are all her Christmas presents.
Wow. We have a very full Christmas tree and I haven’t wrapped anything yet. heh I think Shanna is going to make out like a bandit. Maybe it’s a good thing I can’t afford to get her the awesome kitchen on right now because she’s already going to be pretty spoiled. Wow.
(And the doll has a handmade jacket that matches the awesome outfit Noah’s mom made last Christmas!! How awesome is that! And a blanket out of the same super cute material! It’s very thrilling. Shanna hasn’t set the doll down yet.)
I might have to poke Noah extra to get him to call and say thank you.
I saw that kitchen on kids.woot. With dishes! I almost pulled the trigger myself, but already got too much stuff for the girls
I’m so happy it sold out before my self resolve wavered.
Wow, that’s awesome!
It really is.