Between now and Christmas I am going to try and avoid negativity. I am going to refrain from complaining about anything. I am going to try to find something positive in each situation. If I can’t find anything positive to think about a situation I will walk away from it. I will notice the really really good things in my life.
Starting with:
I have less than 30 minutes of work left in the garage before I can move furniture out there. It looks like our dinner plans tonight are not going to materialize so I will use that time to finish the cleaning and start moving furniture. Yay! I’m really excited about this. [For those following at home, the garage is not done but I am not going to finish it for a couple of months to give myself some time to regain sanity.]
Shanna and I have had a wonderful day today. While I was working out in the garage she napped on my back. We went on a long, fun walk today. She would lag behind then declare “Chase Mommy! Fast Shanna!” It was so awesome.
Fast Shanna!
That’s so cute. It was really nice meeting her last night, and she’s very adorable and sweet.
Has anybody read her the Woogie Norple book yet? Let me know how she likes it.
Re: Fast Shanna!
We have not yet. It’s been kind of a frenzy of work around here since then.
to prevent the world from spinning out of balance and ending all life on this pitiful planet i shall crank up the negativity on my end. pray to the deity of your choice that i, a broken-down, old fucktard, am up to the task.
Creepy Santa’s back!
Creepy Santa’s the coolest person ever.
please don’t say otherwise or he’ll glare at me.
he’s *so* scary…