I just figured out how to check the stats on who is visiting my journal. I get a crap-load of traffic. Who the hell are all these anonymous visitors?!
I just figured out how to check the stats on who is visiting my journal. I get a crap-load of traffic. Who the hell are all these anonymous visitors?!
Users who have not explicitly opted into being viewable via the stats feature show up as one of those classes of anons. (There’s the logged-in anon users; there’s also the not-logged-in anons…)
I’m well aware of the mechanism of anonymous browsing. That does not tell me who the hell they are.
Well, fair enough.

I think I’m not one of the anonymous ones.
I’m assuming I’m one of the anons, although I don’t come around often… (I opted out of being part of LJ’s stalkerweb…)
how *do* you check the stats?
i’m too dum to figure it out on my own!
(actually, i’m too fucking lazy to figure it out unless it’s just like some button-thingee-clickee and then i’ll feel stoopid on top of the dum act i’m putting on because it’s worser to b lazy than dum my dad always said because i suppose i was always lazy but hardly ever dum except when it comes to calculus and declaring variables in programming and grrls and punctuation.)