I am so excited. I managed to get reservations to The French Laundry. Then I managed to arrange babysitting for Shanna so we can stay overnight. Then I found an awesome B&B. This is going to be a rather expensive weekend (it blows our ‘fun’ money budget for ohhhh six months) but it will be worth it! I am so excited I can barely sit still!!!
Oh man. Now I have to figure out what to wear. I’m just pregnant enough to look really fat (and not be able to wear most of my awesomest clothes) but not pregnant enough that I have that “awww what an adorable pregnant belly” thing going on. It’ll be great! I don’t care!
Happy dance!
Wonder if any of my clothes would help? I have quite a variety of sizes and styles. Just sayin’
Thank you for the offer! In playing in my closet I discovered that one of my favorite dresses still works because it is super high waisted and very flared. I do look very pregnant in it, but that doesn’t bother me at all.
That’s awesome! Have a great time! I’ve heard amazing things about that place.
Oohh, you’ll have to tell stories! Someday I’ll get there.
That is very awesome. You guys are gonna have an amazing weekend!
sounds great :o)
Do you think it is overly tacky to bring a camera?
I have been known to take pictures of my food. In the “old days” with a point and shoot, and definitely no flash, but these days I’d be completely unphased and highly likely to take pics with my iPhone. You wouldn’t be the first. It’s really just a matter of whether you’ll feel self conscious about it.