You know the rules by now.
1. I’m feeling incredibly conflicted towards you right now. The push pull is driving me batty.
2. I have decided that in the interests of not looking pathetic and clingy anymore I am going to let you do the contacting for at least one or two go rounds. We’ll find out if we are actually friends.
3. If many many people all read the same thing and reach the same conclusion it is highly unlikely we all read it wrong. Maybe you should work on your communication skills.
4. I really wish you would shut the fuck up. I don’t want to be on the same side of any argument as you.
5. I wish I could do better.
6. I really wish you would stop saying, “I totally want to hang out” and then never call me back. Just admit you don’t want to be friends. I’m a big girl; I’ll deal.
7. I keep thinking about you. You called once. I called back. …. Silence. I wonder if I’ll ever get over you.
8. I wish I didn’t notice your behavior.
9. I’m trying, really. I’ll try harder. You deserve better.
10. As bad as it makes me feel to admit it–I kind of wish that you would just die. Then you couldn’t hurt me anymore and I wouldn’t have to deal with feeling terrible for trying to prevent you from hurting me.
#7: The game? (p.s. you lose)
I don’t play The Game.
But you just lost. 
you feel all that stuff at once?
you need the emotional range of a teaspoon!
makes life easier.
if i’m number 10 i’m afraid i gots at least a few more years in me.
A lot of them are not on lj. The point isn’t necessarily to be passive aggressive towards people who will see it. The point is just to get shit out of my head.
I said essentially #2 to myself about someone once. It’s been 3.5 years and counting now. I have no point to this – just musing out loud.