Whereas Shanna has technically vomited before that was a direct chain reaction of too much junky food+ too much sugar + chugging way too much juice really fast = stomach says no. That was on Halloween. Generally speaking she wasn’t sick that day.
Now she is sick. She’s been miserable for the better part of a week with fever off and on, a really nasty runny nose, general malaise (from what I can tell), and occasional cough. Last night she went to sleep super early (really around 6:30 on Noah’s chest in the living room) and she was transferred to bed for the night around 8. Around 9 she woke up and vomited all over herself and the bed. There was a rather alarming quantity of chunk. She had to go straight into the shower because her head/hair was so full of slime.
Noah cleaned up her person and I stripped the bed. She has been sleeping in her own bed lately but we pulled her into our bed for the night. She slept like the dead. She woke up fussy and whiny and hungry around 6 am (a pretty normal wake up time) so I made her some chicken noodle soup and mostly just let her sip broth. She nursed on one side and passed out hard. She is showing no signs of stirring.
This has been her worst illness to date. My poor baby.
ETA: and… now she has really nasty diarrhea. I wish I knew more about watching for signs of dehydration in small ones.
it’s always so worrying when your kid’s sick.
and puke is yuck.
i’d rather change a thousand diaper than deal with one puke.
if i may suggest,
continue giving her fluids in small doses.
broth is great she needs the salts and what-not.
as long as she keeps them down, she’ll be fine.
our doc showed us this check for dehydration: gently pinch/pull up the skin on the back of her relaxed hand. if it snaps back in place quickly she’s likely doing ok. if the skin stays in a peak, even a little bit, she needs liquids.
The skin trick is awesome. Thanks. We have managed to push a combination of juice/chicken broth/water on her all morning. I think she’s had close to 20 oz of fluid this morning. Although given how icki her diarrhea is… that’s still maybe not enough.
one other thought…
when we were coming out of a sick and not barfing but still pooping too much my mom used have us drink warm jello liquid. it has pectin in it and other setting-up stuff to help slow things down and, for me, at least, tasted absolutely yummy.
make sure the kid’s done barfing. especially if you give her any of the red kindsa jello. not only does it stain like mad, but it looks like they’re gakking up blood and that’s *really scary!
we use our set of yellow-red-stained towels to wash cars…
*nods* Yes, that is what I was going to recommend as well.
Another thing docs say: Pedialyte as a liquid. It is available in groceries and drug stores. It ups the electrolytes. (I have no idea what those do, but it sounds important, doesn’t it?)
Electrolytes are kinda like salts. Chicken broth is the old school method of doing the same thing.
electrolytic balance keeps all the ‘lectricity junk in your body running right. like the brain and heart and other muscles.
I’ve found that both watermelon and popsicles work wonders when trying to keep sick kids hydrated. You can even make your own popsicles, either with a commercial kit and juice or even with a regular ice tray, some plastic wrap and some toothpicks. I generally skipped Pedialyte as it tastes gross and more ended up down the wee mites’ shirt than inside where it does some good.
I hope she feels better soon. My heart goes out to all of you.