I took Shanna to her first visit with a new pediatrician today. We switched insurances again so I had to start hunting from scratch. I like this chick a lot. She did her PhD thesis on Intergenerational Abuse Issues. That seems like someone I should maybe hook in with. She is tolerant though not enthusiastic about the really delayed vaccines. She didn’t have a problem at all with us skipping flu and chicken pox entirely. w00t. She was very willing to talk about best practices on parenting stuff and at one point she said, “It is so nice to talk to a parent who is educated!” I’ll be buffing my nails for a while after that one. She asked me pointed questions about a lot of our parenting choices and how we are going to handle support network/social stuff given our homeschooling plans but said that all my answers were the best they could be. I appreciate that. It’s kind of sad how badly I need the rubber stamp of someone in charge in order to verify that my copious research is actually correct.
And then we went off to start DTaP. The shot technician started off emphasizing the pain and how it was awful but it will be over quick. I told him to stop and then I sat Shanna on the table and we had a little chat about how it will pinch and probably not be her favorite thing ever, but shots are to keep us healthy and they aren’t that bad. I asked her if she could be brave and hold still and she did perfectly. The shot guy was really surprised. He told me he’s never seen a kid her age be so calm and collected. That surprised me. Really? Every single kid freaks out? If it is that pervasive then maybe he should think about the fact that his approach isn’t exactly reassuring.
And the doctor was impressed with her vocabulary, counting ability, and ability to sing (almost all) of the ABC song. Yay kiddo!
It’s kind of sad how badly I need the rubber stamp of someone in charge in order to verify that my copious research is actually correct.
Oddly, I’ve just had an inspiration for an excellent gift for you. It’s only March, but I’m sure some gift-appropriate occasion will happen before long.
that technician is a dumbass. Go you for readjusting his technique with Shanna.
I think I used a similar technique when we had our guys vaccinated. “It’s gonna be about as bad as a pinch and over soon and it’s to help keep you healthy.”
I mean, really?? What else can you say?!
I have no idea, but his tactic sucks ass.
She was really awesome about it. After her nap she had a short weird crying jag but it ended and she was fine. 
this’ll hurt so bad you’ll poop your pants.
you’re a girl, so your ears’ll fall off.
just be glad you’re not a boy…
hey? why are you crying?
when we took out kids in – when they were old enough to understand – i asked the doctor to order me a saline injection.
i took mine first – calm and unflinching.
the kids were no trouble at all.
lead from the front!