It looks like I am buying a whole cow again. I am hoping that some of the reliable people from last time would like to buy some again. I like having ethically raised meat in the house and this is by far the most cost effective way to do it. So if you were easy to deal with last time (and I probably let you know if I was pissy) please do contact me again.
So far I have 3/4 of a cow spoken for and they don’t really want you to buy it in that volume. I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 80-100 lbs of meat I am happy to sell.
They raised the price a little and with the delivery fee the cost is $6.50/lb. this year. If you eat ethically raised meat normally it is FAR more expensive than that. This is potentially 1/4 of the price if you buy steaks at Whole Foods. My pickup date is June 1.
…which is to say, I kinda want some steak now.
I’ll poke Brian and see what he wants to do. What’s the minimum volume you’d be willing to sell to an individual?
Enh, last year one person bought 3 lbs.
This time I am going to say that no one gets to say, “I only want steak–no roast” because it means I get stuck with a lot of roast I don’t use very well. 
Meat has arrived.
I’m cool with y’all buying a small volume.
I’d be happy to take some steaks and some roasts. As tshuma said, not a large quantity, since I’d be eating it all, but we have a chest freezer for a reason.
Hmm, what would be interesting… some brisket, some flat iron, some tenderloin. Possibly some chuck or round for roasting.
Oh, the glorious beef possibilities!
I will be happy to claim some of what’s still available.
I’m guessing I’ll be happy to take up to 15-20 pounds this time if you’d like.
Hey you! When would you like to come over to get some meat?
what are the cuts? I probably don’t have the freezer room to be thinking about this but it’s tempting.
Everything in the cow. Literally.
Cortney and tshuma (above) won’t be buying all that much. I’m trying to get rid of about 80 lbs. I am not real convinced I am going to find anyone who wants more than 10-15 lbs each. That’s ok. If you can’t buy tons right now I can jack up the price slightly and sell you more in three months. (Jacked up price for storage fee.
Would you still be interested in some beef? It is here now.
I’d be willing to get 10 pounds or so.
Awesome, this means you need to come over.
The cow says “Mooooooo!”