So I am getting ready to be go traveling. I looked at the calendar and realized that I will be traveling/in Arizona from April 27 – May 5. Then I am home May 6 – May 1012. Then I take off for the wedding on May 1113 and I will not be back until very late on May 16. Woof. That’s a lot of traveling for me in my pregnant, exhausted state. But! I will get through it with hopefully minimal whining. Of the days I am home in between travels I am already very booked on two of the five seven days. Eeek.
I am communicating this as if people care because at this point I don’t really have a functioning laptop. My laptop screen is completely dead and other things on the laptop are dying quickly. This is very sad because I liked my laptop. Jenny gave back the G4 (yay Jenny!) but the battery spent five minutes in my company and decided to completely and totally die. Given that one of Shanna’s favorite games is, “Let’s pull out the power cable!” it’s not very useful for me to have a laptop that completely and totally dies the instant it is not plugged in. (There is a new battery in the mail but it won’t get here before the Arizona trip and the wedding trip is off-grid anyway.) So uhhhh… yeah. I won’t be checking the internet much at all in the next three or so weeks.
If there is something very important you want me know, please sent me email. If you write a nifty blog entry and you think, “This is the sort of thing Krissy usually comments on” please sent me an email telling me specifically to go read it. If you think of me and go, “Hey! I’m not getting my usual stream of Krissy babble and I miss it!” please give me a call. I am 150% certain that the call/mention of thinking of me will make my day. If you don’t currently have my phone number I’m certain you know someone who does and I hereby give folks permission to hand out my number to folks who want to call me in the next few weeks.
P.S. I need a traveling icon that is a picture of the minivan. The whole back of it is made into a nest and I’m quite thrilled that I bought this van. It makes traveling soooooooooo much more comfy. I think that in another few years when both kidlets are old enough to handle traveling more I will probably start scraping together my pennies for a small RV sort of thing because I would get SO much use out of it.
Have a safe trip and I’ll see you when you get back.
Have a safe trip(s)! And don’t worry about the online world, it will always be here.
….you know we have an RV we’re trying to sell? It’s not exactly the newest…but it’s there. Marcie has all the details.
Enjoy your traveling!
That’s actually not a bad suggestion. I could probably talk Marcie into a payment plan because I don’t have the cash up front right now.