I seem to have hit that narcoleptic stage of pregnancy like a brick wall. This is really not good. I went out to run errands this morning and I almost fell down in Target because I was suddenly so tired I couldn’t stand. Keeping my eyes open long enough to drive less than two miles back to Sarah’s house was really hard.
Oh shit.
and… now contractions are starting. Uhm. I think I pushed too hard over the past few days.
Talked to midwife. She says rest, overhydrate, drink wine (have I mentioned that I love her), get a friend to drive me home on Wednesday or Thursday at the earliest, and under no circumstances should I do any more work in the house. Right. Shit. Well. Uhm.
I’d be ok with a non-dramatic pregnancy.
If it really gets bad and you’re worried about getting home, let me know. If it comes down to it, I *can* find a way to get to AZ and drive you home.
im, please
I hope it doesn’t come to this, but it’s better to have the baby in AZ, than somewhere between there and home.
and I’m sure if you guys put out the word, between all your friends we could get the funds together to fly your hubby out there on short notice.
You are sweet.
We can afford the flight. It looks like I have a couple of friends who are offering to fly out here and drive me home. I’m not going to attempt the drive alone. I’m very specifically not suicidal these days. 
I’m very specifically not suicidal these days
Now that’s a kind of pro-life I can get behind!
re: contractions…
i am sure you are,
but justincase…
remember to drink lots o’ water.
dehydration can cause them belly-pushes!
an’ have lots o’ fun, too!
an’ get some sleep, willya, you look pooped!
Thinking non-dramatic pregnancy thoughts your way.
Where in AZ are you? My sister has a hippie B&B near Clarkdale in the Verde Valley.
I love your new picture. I have some clothes for you if you want them. Maybe when you guys drop A off after the wedding?
Take care,
Just saw this. *hugs* … and wow, and *hugs* and … yow.