Some of Shanna’s recent amusing displays of attempted control over the universe:
(When you are trying to do something she doesn’t like, say brushing her hair) “I’m not interested in that.”
(When you are trying to get her to get in the car and she doesn’t want to) “I don’t think that is a good plan.”
(When you are trying to get her to eat healthier food instead of sugar) “Actually, I think sugar would be a good idea.”
Recently we were playing with her little kitchen and she made a plate and I asked if it was for me, she said: “Actually, this plate is for Daddy. So you can’t have it.” She did eventually make a plate for me too.
She now tells Noah that she doesn’t want him to go to work.
At random times she will tell you with great emphasis that shots suck and she doesn’t like them.
If I am grumbling in traffic she calls out, “What a douchebag!” I have to struggle not to giggle.
She is developing strong opinions about clothes. She varies on whether she wants pants or dresses, she loves shorts. She likes polka dots. She is willing to wear pink if it has a message she likes (she has a pink shirt that says “You are my sunshine” and that’s one of her favorite songs) but overall she’s not into pink. I confess bittersweet sadness about this. On one hand I’ve worked pretty hard to ensure she doesn’t feel shoved into pink. On the other hand… it’s my favorite color.
Polka dots are just the bomb.
She walks up to people in random public places and announces, “I am Shanna! I am cute!”
When she wants one of us to leave a room we are in (usually one blocked by a gate) she says, “I have an owie! I need kisses!”
And every single exclamation point is pronounced. It’s cute.
I am trying like mad to get her to stop spitting in the house. Ugh. I don’t know why she picked up this habit but it is driving me nuts.
And last but not least: toddler nursing is the payback for the early hard sucky days. I love having her cuddle in and tell me, “Mmmmm boobies. Milk is better than Jamba Juice!” before she launches herself at my breast. It’s awesome. <3