(friends-locked only because they have a Stalin-esque policy about it not being ok to talk about stuff off site.)
I spend a lot of time on Mothering.com these days since you lame bastards wonderful people don’t post enough on lj. Some of the things I read about baffle me.
Ok, I don’t think I had heard much about hoarding as an illness before reading there. The stuff that people go through dealing with hoarding relatives sounds like a complete nightmare. Of course, there is my Uncle Bob. He’s a hoarder and he has made his property look like shit even though it probably could be worth close to a million dollars given its location. oy.
And the chick who is so offended that her friend asked her to not come to a birthday party after deliberately exposing her kids to chicken pox. She is ranting that her kids aren’t in the contagious window and how dare people not respect science!!! Uhm, if you are a non-vaxxer ranting about how people don’t pay attention to science you are pretty f’in funny. And as soon as you said that next time you deliberately expose your children to a disease you just won’t tell anyone because how dare they expect you to quarantine your kids? Uhm. You are the reason non-vaxxers are considered a public health menace, thanks bitch.
And when someone says, “It makes it way harder to deal with difficult toddler behavior when someone is judging me” having many many people rush in to judge the mom and tell her she’s handling everything wrong? Well I think that is irony in action.
Mostly I just find MDC to be a neverending source of reasons to be grateful that my husband isn’t a fucking asshole like most husbands and I feel like I’m maybe not so judgmental after all. Cause compared to most of them I barely judge anyone ever!
ETA: WTF! I deleted something very snotty and put that it wasn’t worth the smack down from the mods and I got a smack down from a mod because I was rude. She said my original post was fine but it was totally inappropriate and rude to say that about the moderators. Fucking fascist dictatorship. Sometimes I hate the site. (The user agreement says that it is never ok to respond to someone in a rude or adversarial manner and I had been very aggressive towards someone. Apparently that is more acceptable than implying that the mods might call me on it. Oh go to fucking hell.)
If you’re judgemental ….
then I’m Judge Dredd.
People suck. Some better than others, but mostly they suck at the sucking.
lol Thank you very much with your help in that thread.
MDC is sooo a take what you need and leave the rest sort of place.
BTW, do you know about C2PP? http://www.c2pp.com/index.php?sid=a117e37a44402c76698a8b50022f5e3c
it lets you use Naughty Language.
I havent’ been spending a lot of time ANYWHERE on the computer these days, but yes, MDC is home to a lot of weird.
“Oh go to fucking hell.”
That’s my new answer for everything.
It *used* to be “Kiss my ass.”
Now, it’s “Oh go to fucking hell.”
Thank for the inspiration!
I’m SO HAPPY such sites weren’t invented when our kids were gestating. As it was, we received too much unsolicited advice from family, friends, and the random Babushka on the street.
“Oh go to fucking hell”
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