I was up from 3:30 to 5:30 dealing various uhm physical complaints. Not my favorite. It really is good that I have my wonderful sunshine girl here to remind me of just how worthwhile the suffering is. I’ve been feeling extra schmoopy about Shanna lately even as I have zero energy to play with her and entertain her. I’m feeling some feelings about losing the ‘only’ experience. It has been so very wonderful to be able to just focus on her for the last two years. I’m feeling nervous about having to split my attention.
TBD is moving much less just lately. It’s pretty common for babies to calm down just before labor so I’m petting my belly and saying at least another week. (The birth tub doesn’t get here till next Monday.) 4 more days until I am technically eligible for a home birth. eeeeeek.
Noah is still the best boy ever. I am so so so so lucky to have him in my life. <3
I’m thinking a thought, but it’s too soon to know of my thinky thoughts will pan out. But please know that I’m thinking of you.
I never did make it to Davis.
I’m sorry. 
Not a problem. You’ve got a LOT on your plate right now, and I’m not the best at picking up the phone. Ok, I downright suck at it.
Ok, thinky thoughts both one and two got derailed. I had hoped to come down to the Ghengis Khan museum on Saturday but that fell through. I had also thrown in my hat to go to an Oracle conference, but that got squashed for budgetary reasons.
Will continue to try to carve out free time.