Privilege is one of my favorite words. I like looking at the ways in which people take for granted the good things in their life that just happen. Rarely I drop into the nighttime parenting/sleep issues area at MDC. I don’t go there much because I just can’t wrap my head around the problems. I think that a lot of my inability to grok what they are going through is because of my privilege in being a stay at home mom. My kid ‘slept through the night’ early because I learned how to stay asleep while she nursed all night long. My kid went to sleep when and where she wanted to and I didn’t particularly care if it was in bed at 7pm. I don’t particularly see the value in ensuring that my kid is in bed from 7pm-6am with no more than one night waking. I mean, I can see the help in that if you have older children who need to be functional during the day… but for a three month old? Enh, they sleep when they sleep.
Privilege is an interesting thing. If I had a whole bunch of older kids and/or I *had* to sleep during particular hours because I had a demanding job it would be a whole different matter when it comes to sleep. So yeah, I don’t volunteer my opinions on sleep much because boy-howdy do I have a lot of privilege in this area.
And it’s such delicious privilege too
I do hate it when dd goes to bed before 10pm though. She wakes up at 3am. Stinky monkey ball suckage.
with our two-at-once plan we *had* to keep them on some sort of schedule. combined, you really could have a newborn constantly awake for 24 hours straight for days on end.
after a couple weeks of severe sleep deprivation any child, no matter how cute, morphs to a hell-spawn demon sucking your profoundly exhausted soul right out yer eyeballs.
not like they don’t do that anyways…