Last night I got to babble like mad at two wonderful people I don’t see often enough. That was really awesome. I really enjoy listening to smart, educated people going off at great lengths about their passions. It gives me this strange feeling of pride when I realize that people that smart want to be friends with me. 😀
And today I was given a surprise by the mom-group I’ve been hanging out with. It’s a banner made out of construction paper with inspirational sayings for birth. Things like:
Blessed be this birth
Strong and gentle all the way to pushing!
Each wave brings me closer to having my baby in my arms
I can & I am!
I can do anything for one minute
Settling; Surrendering; Letting Go
Courage; Faith; Patience
Pain is a wave… I let it wash over me and then it is gone
My baby is big but my vagina is HUGE!
I feel quite blessed that these women have joined my life. 🙂 I hung it up over the birth tub and I keep looking at it and feeling a sort of vague hug. As an adult, and especially as a mother, I feel a very different need for the camaraderie of women. As a child and teenager I strongly preferred men/boys. I like this evolution process.
That’s really awesome 🙂
That is wonderful!
That’s really, really cool. Yay!
I’m not sure you realize how proud, and grateful, I am to have you as my friend. Yes, you heard me correctly — proud and grateful.
I am proud that *you* want *me* as a friend. You are crazy smart, whether you fully appreciate it or not. Extremely loving and loyal, you are an amazing testimony to how good can survive and thrive, even under the worst of circumstances.
I am grateful you’ve been willing to keep me in your life, regardless of how chaotic mine gets.
It’s not like I’m consistently available to you. 🙂 *hug*
LOL at “My baby is big but my vagina is HUGE!” I’m glad I had already swallowed my coffee when I got to that part.
I almost fell over laughing. 😀