Computers suck.

So this new netbook is having issues. The 75gb drive is completely full. Like, it fills up no matter what I delete. I haven’t added data to this computer. What I did add I have since deleted. I never added my music/pictures/documents/whatever. It’s still full. I can’t figure out what is filling it. Noah has helped me hunt around and we just can’t find what is killing the hard drive. This is incredibly frustrating. The computer keeps threatening to shut down because of lack of space. I’m really not in the headspace to be patient with this right now. I’m seriously tempted to throw this piece of shit in the trash, which really sucks because it wasn’t that cheap. 🙁

6 thoughts on “Computers suck.

  1. rbus

    such behavior is not normal.

    even for a windows pc.

    what virus scanner you using, kiddo?

    some can go bonkers and start writing huge error files and stuff.

    next time your nursing, ask the angel if he can run the disk cleanup utility and see if it finds big chunks of unwanted stuff in the temp folders or internet files.

    might, at least, give a hint as to where to start looking.

    1. angelbob

      Turns out they installed a third-party system restore utility without an upper limit on storage, that backs up huge amounts constantly, even if nothing changes.

      They also left the normal system one turned on, with no upper limit, but that didn’t do anything quite so awful.

      The third-party one won’t uninstall, and won’t let us delete its files, and just recycling its files doesn’t work, and…

      But luckily, after about three reboots and hard tries to destroy its 41GB of storage, it screwed Windows completely beyond recovery, so now we’re wiping and putting on Ubuntu.

      Roxio BackOnTrack? Avoid it. Uninstall it where you find it (if you can – it won’t uninstall normally). Wipe computers to remove it. Just telling it to clear or limit space doesn’t work, deleting its files doesn’t work, uninstalling doesn’t work. You may have to use fire.

  2. ribbin

    Yeah, that ain’t right. My macbook’s over three years old, and I’m not even close to filling the 80 gig drive- and I’ve got movies, 40+ gigs of music, and a lifetime of writing, so 75 should be more than adequate.

    Maybe wipe and reinstall?

  3. ewhac

    I’ll assume you’re using Windoze.

    First, clean your web browser’s cache. Despite what upper limit you may have set for the cache size, most browsers manage to lose track and exceed it. IE is especially stupid in this regard.

    Second, your TEMP directory almost certainly has cruft left over in it (a lot of software is very bad about cleaning out files they create in there).

    Lastly, download Treesize, which will show you exactly where all the space is being taken up.


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