Apparently my body got the memo that we were turning off Noah’s fertility so mine better HURRY UP AND REAPPEAR CAUSE GOD DAMNIT WE HAVE TO TRY ONE LAST TIME!!!!! I was looking forward to the year off. fuss. See–this is the unintended irritation of a good sleeper.
Waitasec- #3 en route??
HELL NO. But I got my period. Which means that I already have fertility back. (Ok, some people have anovulatory cycles… I’m probably not one of them.) It means that I need to be careful until enough time passes and Noah’s vasectomy is actually working.
Oh, thank god! (no offense).
‘Grats to Noah!
And grats to both of you, twice, again, for two beautiful kids:)
My mom had her first two only 11 months apart, with breast feeding, and before she got her first period after the first baby. Bodies mostly give you a clue, but not always
the exact same thing happened to me! sorry
watch those sperms and eggs.
they’re designed to find each other, y’know…
you know.
how’d the boy come thru the snip-snip?
mine only felt like i’d been kicked in the groin.
several times.
with steel-toed pumps.
worn by the Rockettes.
ALL the Rockettes.
At once.
it only took a month for all my swimmers to lose their way.
of course, the more he ejaculates.
the faster that’ll happen.
just a suggestion…
I actually had a really easy time. A bit of soreness, some time in an Ace athletic supporter, around a week where running was a bad idea. But no particularly serious pain, barely any bleeding even day-of.
I found a really great doctor for it, so we paid full price (insurance only covers in-network for the snip) and it was a high one. However, we figured it was worth making sure and it seems to have paid off.
Hooray for you (and your nuts)!
Mine went well, and toook full effect quickly,
but kripes i was uncomfortable for a few days.
My gear went completely black and blue.
An interesting look for one so pale.
I hope you get a good return on your investment.
I think
I’m still
somewhere up around
the dollar per use range…
Yikes….I’ve been having cramps on and off for a couple of weeks making me VERY suspicious about my own fertility status in this interim period before Vortlimpa gets the all clear. We already know his swimmers and my um…i don’t have a clever description….my couch potatoes? get along all too well. Though, our little two legged birth controls have been cock-blocking like mad so it’s not like we’ve gotten a chance to tempt fate yet.