Steph asks what people are thankful for. So here’s a partial list:
I’m thankful that I have a home. I’m thankful that if I decide I need something I can pretty much universally go out and get it. I’m thankful that I never again will have to worry about where my next meal is coming from barring some major natural disaster. I’m thankful that my children are happy, healthy, and good sleepers. I’m thankful that my husband is tolerant of my many and varied ‘issues’. I’m thankful that I am making new friends who are in the same place in life and who are pretty open minded about the ways in which we differ. I’m thankful that Noah tolerates me getting rid of huge quantities of stuff with regularity. I’m thankful that not only do I have plentiful food I have food that tastes so good. I’m thankful for my lovely MacBook that works and has no irritating quirks. I’m thankful for my Sarah! She delights in many of the same things I delight in and listens to so much babble. I’m thankful that with each passing year this house feels more and more comfortable for me to be in.
I’m thankful for all the people who remember me with love. And on that note, I have a phone call to make.