This was the message I got on MDC:
“To the mama in CA!
Thank you so much. We got your box yesterday and oh my- when we saw the UPS truck pull up we knew it had to be from some lovely mama here but then watching the delivery man struggle w/it was almost too much! It was just so big! DH went down to get it- good thing he was home, I never would have been able to bring it up all the stairs we have, and brought it straight up to our room. We coud not wait to open it!
Everything inside was great and DH made 2 comments that made my heart melt- 1) “I feel like a kid on Christmas morning!” (he was so excited and relieved) and 2) “I can’t believe just one person sent all this- she’s amazing!” My thoughts exactly. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
We’ve had a really bad week this week with our oven going out on Monday (luckily we rent and don’t have to worry about fixing- but do have to deal with a lazy rental co.) and our plans for a homebirth going out the window (it’s just too bad this little isn’t due a month or two later- the issue would be null and void, we’d have the $$ from taxes) and just a general heartbreak on that.
BUT your package came just at the right time to bring a bit of holiday cheer, hope and a better out look even just for the moment!
Thank you and bless you! ”
My Christmas was made.
Yay! Love giving stuff to people who need and appreciate it! Is this only for baby stuff? I could well get some stuff together to ship off anonymously. Please let me know.