32 days till Christmas.
12 days till I get to introduce my beautiful daughter to the awesomeness of Disneyland. The first thing she will experience is the Candlelight Processional which is a special Christmas thing they do and I’ve never seen it.
1 day until I get a new oven! A convection oven! I will get to bake again! Even though my fucking pain in the ass stupid midwife *still* hasn’t filed insurance paperwork and paying for this right now was not in my budget. (Have I mentioned that my kid is three months old and she still can’t be fucking bothered to file the paperwork? If she doesn’t file in the next five weeks we can’t file at all. And I can’t file unless I get billing information from her with codes and everything and it is no more trouble for her to get that together for me than it is to just fucking send it in herself. Oh wait. SHE PAYS SOMEONE TO DO HER BILLING AND SHE STILL HASN’T GIVEN THEM THE INFORMATION. I am so pissed. Noah thinks that taking her to small claims court is rather ungrateful given that she literally saved my life. He has a point. But I’m still really angry that she isn’t doing her job.)
Time is just plugging right along. I should post more just to give rbus something to read.
you should give the midwife fair warning and a cut-off date of like, one week and then small-claims her.
save your life or not. she’s a fucking lousy businessman if she’s not billing and you’ll be doing her a favor reminding her of that fact (even though she won’t take it that way – teachable moments come in many guises, donchaknow).
and i’m reading your post while i’m at work.
if they fire me – it’s YOUR fault!
Frankly, I think your midwife is lucky you’re alive.
I’m with Unka Arbus.