I have decided that January is the month of no sugar. We have gotten to the point where sugar is not an occasional treat but instead it is a major dietary staple. That’s all kinds of bad. I am no longer pregnant and there is no need to be trying like mad to up my caloric intake.
So. After a month of getting sugar out of our collective systems we will make more of a decision as to how to figure out a better balance with it. But yeah. I think we need a detox. And I’m the one who buys groceries and does most of the cooking. (Not breakfasts, to be fair. Noah does almost all breakfasts cause he rocks mightily.)
If cutting sugar is hard, try also cutting grains. For me (and a number of people) grains=sugar=grains=sugar when it comes to cravings. Load up on all that lovely grass fed beef in your freezer and veggies! And remember, too, that 1000calories of fat is impossible to finish, but will still fill you up.
it’s too much sex that leads to this kind of thinking!
Oh! Also, make sure Noah’s onboard with things because a nice fatty protein-rich breakfast will do wonders for the rest of the day.