We have a little board book called First Rhymes. Most of the rhymes are the old favorites everyone knows (Little Bo Peep, Little Jack Horner, etc.) but there is one that uhm… who decided that this was a good idea (for a book published in 2005)?
I Love Little Pussy
I love little pussy,
Her coat is so warm,
And if I don’t hur her
She’ll do me no harm.
*cough* Totally innocent, I’m sure.
*I* learned that poem as a child.
Actually, as a song – I remember this much, though there was more, I think…
I love little pussy,
Her coat is so warm,
And if I don’t hurt her,
She’ll do me no harm.
We’ll sit by the fire
I’ll give her some food,
And pussy will love me
Because I am good.
I won’t pull her tail,
Nor drive her away,
And pussy and I,
Very gently will play.
learning it didn’t do me no harm.
except for maybe the spanking thing.
and the Hot Animal Dry Anal Sex stuff…
Ye-eah, classics have their place, but for a new book, you’d think that they could’ve changed that to “kitty”.
Hey, if the shoe fits… I’m in favor of it!