If Noah hadn’t gotten the all clear from his doctor I would be peeing on a stick right now. I’ve been seriously nauseated for days. I’m having weird lower abdominal discomfort. My dizzy is outrageous recently. COME ON BODY! KNOCK THIS SHIT OFF!!!
If Noah hadn’t gotten the all clear from his doctor I would be peeing on a stick right now. I’ve been seriously nauseated for days. I’m having weird lower abdominal discomfort. My dizzy is outrageous recently. COME ON BODY! KNOCK THIS SHIT OFF!!!
maybe you should pee on a stick.
just in case-like?
done. negative.
I don’t know about CA, but there’s a nasty stomach flu going around the Midwest this month.
Let’s vote for flu. Far fewer long reaching side effects! A friend told me she had a bug that last five weeks, though. She got sick on Christmas Day.
Er , I’d pee on a stick. Just in case. Seeing as there are swimmers around between the procedure and the all clear. Thats why they wantthe chamber cleared X amount of times before testing for all clear. But, I’m just a girl who seems to have a very poor relationship with 99%.
peed. negative. thank god.
Huzzah! But, Boooo unexplained malaise!