A friend humored me and asked me silly questions:
What is your name?
What is your quest?
What is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
My name is Krissy. Not Kristy. Not Chrissy. Not Chryssi. Not Crissy. Not Krissie. Not Krissi. Man I’ve gotten some weird misspellings.
To find contentment with my life. It’s an awesome life. I just wish I directly enjoyed it more.
No clue.
If anyone else has any questions you can backtrack to that post. I mostly make the assumption that because I haven’t met many new people question month is kind of pointless at this point. I overshare beyond what people want to know anyway.
from Debs
but is the swallow an African swallow or a European one??? Otherwise we won’t be able to seek the Holy Grail.