It feels like everything is hitting speed bumps today. My plans for today were: drop van off at mechanic, go home and paint. I woke up at 5am. It seems like that’s not an outrageous list of things to do.
Well. The van has uhm a few more issues than anticipated and I have been on the phone with 3 mechanics, my cousin 3 times, and the guy at the Toyota dealership 5 times. It also involved extensive web searches because holymotherfuckingshit do I not want to pay that many thousands of dollars on repairs today. My cousin, who has been an active mechanic for better than 40 years, says I am getting a good deal and I really really need to do those repairs today or I will be sorry. He has yet to steer me wrong so I’m taking his advice. Even though I want to cry about how expensive this is. Did I mention that tomorrow we have to drop the Prius off for maintenance?
I ran out of paint after an hour of painting because I didn’t take into account that this is drywall with one coat of primer. It’s thirsty. Noah brought home more and I haven’t been able to touch it because I’ve been busy with other things. Working on the ceiling with Calli on my back made my head, neck, and back hurt so much I want to cry.
We let Shanna help. Of course in the first three minutes she stuck a finger full of blackboard paint (it’s grainy) into her eye necessitating lots and lots of eye flushing while forcibly holding her down as she kicked and screamed. Yeah, that makes my whole fucking day. But it was really important. Then we cuddled for a bit to kind of recalibrate.
I have gotten over hungry more than once today and that does really bad things for my mood.
I figured out why our garage is flooding! I thought I had already fixed the problem, but today’s torrential downpour is showing me way more about the problem. Noah and I both worked in the rain trying to get it so that it stops actively flooding Right Now but I have many days of dirt moving ahead of me and I want to cry thinking about it. I will not be painting that wall or ordering the carpet until this problem is truly *fixed*. Ugh.
Calli is teething and whining. And clingy. So.Very.Clingy.
And I’m sober. Sober fucking sucks. My adrenaline is through the roof because of stupid little shit going wrong all day.
And this is with help. This would be why I haven’t started any of the things alone.
This is the kind of cluster fuck you deal with and you worry you’re not a good mom because you yell sometimes?
Sweetie, what kind of stepford wife-style moms have you been comparing yourself to??
You DID get the van to the mechanic.
You DID go home and paint.
go ahead and check those two things off the list!
and I know the paint-in-the-eye thing was no fun.
it’s better than rubbing barbie-pink semigloss in your teeth.
that’s what our darling-d did at that age.