I don’t go to the gym that often. Kids are complicating factors. However I went this morning! And it was glorious! I felt lame because I used to bust out 5 sets of 30 crunches and barely breathe hard. I got through 2 sets of 20 and wanted to die. Ugh. This will be a long road. Alright abdominal muscles, your four year vacation is over.
In other news there was a beautiful older Sikh man across the room from me on the elliptical. He was wearing a Bright Neon Fuck-You-I’m-A-Sikh Turban. He had to have been in his mid 60’s (I couldn’t tell this till the end.) I watched him throughout my workout because his body was poetry in motion. He was so obviously powerful. Me being me, I felt skeezy and creepy because I stared for almost an hour. So I went over and introduced myself. I told him that I was sorry for staring, but he is in such amazing shape that it is inspiring. He smiled and asked me about when I like to come to the gym. I told him it was random because I have young children. He smiled again and told me he hopes he sees me again.
I just did my first serious workout in years two days ago… now my abs are pissed at me, but I’m glad I finally got to it. guess there’s something in the air
Then we went hiking. My calves are hating me right now.
You kicked butt! Too bad it was your own. =D
“Bright Neon Fuck-You-I’m-A-Sikh Turban.”
made me laugh like the chickens..
What color was it?
“Turbans come in every color and pattern but there are three colors most commonly worn: white, deep blue, and saffron orange. White turbans are worn to extend the aura and the person’s projection. Royal blue or navy blue turbans are common among Sikh ministers and gyanis, especially in India. The blue is the color of the warrior and of protection. Saffron orange is the third Sikh color and is commonly worn by Sikhs worldwide. Orange represents wisdom. Black turbans can represent surrender of the ego. Other colors of turbans don’t have a significance associated with them. Sometimes it’s just a case of fashion, of matching a turban to a business suit, for example.”
whoa! you did not tell me the whole story, originally – you left off the ending! nice.