With kid #1 I was willing to nurse however long, wherever, in whatever position, whenever she wants. With kid #2 I say, be polite to my nipples or starve. You do not get to hurt me. (For the record, once she gets to the stage where she is hurting me she is full. No starving will occur. But much less comfort nursing.)
I guess things do change over time.
no wonder 2nd children behave as they do.
*i’m* a 2nd child, you know.
except my mom didn’t breast-feed.
which is why
i’m even more twisted
than the “normal” 2nd kid.
not enough boob = psychotic behavior.
i read that somewhere once.
i think.
though, i might be making that up.
i do that all the time.
make shit up and say it with conviction.
people simply believe it.
especially 1st-ers.
i *am* a 2nd child, after all.
and we’re the BEST ones.
even if we don’t never get enough boob.
even if.
yay, manners!