Day one was yesterday, I was too busy being happy to post. I was thrilled to discover that we were leaving Glasgow the day before a big sectarian protest. I will be checking the news today because when we were warned about it I got the impression it might turn into a riot. I’m very grateful that we left before that.
Day two I am grateful that Noah has been gracious and helpful because all day my anxiety has been up in the 8/9 range for no reason. And he’s been very patient and accommodating. Wonderful husband.
Hold on.
I mean, sectarian violence is all well and good.
(and would probably drive my anxiety up to 8/9)
And riots are very ugly things.
But happy’s good, too!
My anxiety is coming and going. I’ll be glad to go home to my anxiety meds.
in the old days we just drank.
Alcohol makes my stomach hurt and gives me diarrhea. Not so fun.