Calli is just about to turn one. So I’ve had twelve months postpartum. I’m more than fifty pounds lighter than I was a year ago. I am not doing anything resembling a “diet”. I eat as much food as I want whenever I want. It’s kind of weird. When I weighed myself in the last week I was one pound over the lowest weight I hit on Weight Watchers years ago. (I lost a little bit more after stopping WW.) My body is very different from how it used to be, I feel. I should post some nekkid pictures. Because other people care, right?
This getting older thing is freakin weird.
When Lina hit one, even though nursing didn’t change at all and my eating patterns didn’t change, my body decided it was time to hold onto weight again and my boobs deflated. So my waist was suddenly bigger at the same time that my breasts were smaller so the whole effect was quite demoralizing.
You had me at nekkid pictures.
Our bodies change for a myriad reasons. Some are good, some are not, and we simply adjust to those changes.
Yay, nekkid pictures!
I for one support our new nekkid overlords.
I’m not sure what catches me more – nekkid pictures or getting older thing… no, it’s nekkid pictures.
Oh wait was that my outside voice?
I’m glad you’re happy, and I’m also in favor of naked pictures:)
“This getting older thing is freakin weird.”
You have *never* in your *entire* life *ever* said *anything* more *profound.*
Naked is good. Photos are optional and appreciated.
“Growing older” statements from folks who are younger than me have always read a bit odd in my head, but it’s more that part where we’re all in a general space where we get to all relate. (Less relating on my part for not having had any kids, but the whole “what the heck is my body doing NOW” thing is totally there.)