I’m in the middle of 1993. I hope to finish through high school today (class of ’99). I haven’t done pre 1988 yet. The early stuff is slightly speculative because my memories are hazy. I feel guilt writing something down as true when I have a less than crystal clear memory. I will do it. But I’m going to do the first pass through the older stuff first. I think I should reserve next Monday for the early bits. It will need to be done in a big burst.
Ok, that’s a good timeline for me. I want to get up to 2010 this week. Then I can do the earliest bits on Monday of next week. That means I will have the first pass of the whole story done by the 15th. I’m already feeling frustrated with myself for the bits I have missed. I’ll need the whole last half of the month to reread and add stories in here and there.
The first pass is just giving the skeleton. Where did I live. What kinds of schools. I haven’t gotten into too many awful bits. I’m saving them. I don’t want this story to be, “Krissy’s shitty life”. So much happened and a lot of it was amazing. It feels important to be true to the scope of the story and not overemphasis the trauma.
We’ll see.
Yay! Looking forward to it