Once upon a time I put my more personal blogging on g-blog. I don't think I ever told you the truth lj. You were meant as a dumping grounds for memes. Stupid, light shit that breaks the day up. Things to entertain my friends and not depress them. Then g-blog went away. You were promoted. We had this weird filter tango thing. I discovered that when I am writing for tightly controlled filters I feel more and more constrained until I can't say anything because I might say it to the wrong person and then I MIGHT HURT THEIR FEELINGS. I couldn't take the pressure.
I moved on. I'm blogging at blogspot now. People opt-in or out as they see fit. It's open to strangers on the internet and they have to manage their own fucking triggers. It's great. I don't miss you. Only I do miss you though. Here, how about a meme for old time's sake. I promise, I will tell the funny versions.
Give me a number (or three), and I'll answer the question that goes with it. I may or may not do this publicly, but the person who asks will get a response one way or another.
01. My sexual orientation. 02. What I'm really bad at. 03. The one person whose arms I'd like to be in. 04. My best first date. 05. A description of my self-esteem. 06. Who my best friends are. 07. My favorite book. 08. Biggest turn-offs. 09. My favorite place to which I've traveled. 10. My favorite animal. 11. Someone I miss. 12. The reason behind my last break-up. 13. What I did yesterday. 14. My greatest achievements. 15. The craziest thing I've ever done 16. A description of my last kiss. 17. What I find attractive in a person. 18. All of the pets I've ever owned. 19. My favorite ice cream flavor. 20. The one place I wish I was right now. 21. The most cruel thing anyone has ever said to me. 22. All of the places I've lived. 23. Qualities that make me more likely to love a person. 24. My future plans. 25. One of my internal conflicts. 26. What I'm doing tomorrow. 27. My life's aspirations. 28. My most embarrassing moment. 29. Two of my insecurities. 30. What I would do if I won the lottery. 31. What I love most about myself. 32. My biggest pet peeves. 33. What musical artists I've seen live. 34. How many kids I would like to have. 35. My idea of a perfect date. 36. What I'm really excellent at. 37. My most traumatic experience. 38. Where I would like to live. 39. The nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. 40. Whether I like where I live now. 41. What I can hear right now. 42. My relationship with my siblings. 43. What's currently worrying me the most. 44. Something I've repeatedly wished for. 45. My relationship with my parents. 46. What I dislike most about myself 47. Where's Waldo? 48. Whether I currently resemble the person who I thought I'd be at 18. 49. What I would tell my 18-year-old self. 50. Why? |
12, 17, 36.
I would like to get a link to your blogspot, please.
also, I added this page to my collection.
12. The reason behind my last break-up.
Well I had a first date tonight where we scheduled a second date and then I said never mind. The reason was if I lean in to kiss someone, more than 50% of the distance, while explicitly saying that yes kissing me is ok… and you don’t do it… yeah. We don’t need a second date. You want to be chased too hard for me. Sorry.
17. What I find attractive in a person.
Great smile. Being smarter than me and arrogant in a way that is deserved.
36. What I’m really excellent at.
39 and 18 please…
39. The nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.
“I have worked here for a long time and I’ve heard a lot of parents talk to a lot of kids. I have never heard a parent be as respectful towards their kid as you are. You are a good mother.” Then she stomped off. She was kind of weird and off-putting in manner so this speech was rather dumbfounding.
18. All of the pets I’ve ever owned.
The first three were black.
Tao, Panther, Annie, Puff. All cats.
33, 42, and of course, 47. ?
33. What musical artists I’ve seen live.
Reba McEntire, Martina McBride, Rascal Flatts, Taylor Swift, Depeche Mode, TMBG, I dinno. There are more.
42. My relationship with my siblings.
47. Where’s Waldo?
I want to say up my ass. Then Noah and I had an awesome debate about whether Waldo is a top or a bottom if he’s pitching.
Waldo is buried at Mountain View Cemetery in Piedmont. We found his grave.
did it say he died of suffocation?
I don’t believe it did, no.
33a. Was there any particular favorite concert, for any particular reason? (My first solo concert experience was getting to go see Billy Squier. YEAH! ARE YOU READY TO ROCK?!?)
In regards to 42: Curious as to how many siblings you had. I had an older sister who died before I was born, and a younger brother who died almost four years ago, at age 35 (we were close pals). Also, a half-brother and a step-brother, neither of whom I ever knew much at all.
Missing my little brother was what prompted me to ask about 42.
(Also? I think maybe Waldo *was* there, but that guy is constantly on the move. The other day I spotted him on an escalator close to my work.)
I should come respond!
I’m not much of a live music fan. I tend to just feel annoyed by the volume.
My siblings are: sister (13 years older) brother (8 years older) brother (4.5 years older). The youngest is the one who is dead.
I’ll take 9, 23, and 39, for the win, Alex.
09. My favorite place to which I’ve traveled.
Oh gosh. This is actually hard. I will say that New Zealand is the place that made me say, “I want to live here.” But I want to go back to Ireland with my kids some day.
23. Qualities that make me more likely to love a person.
Cheerfulness, strength of character, willingness to put up with a lot of shit from me, so I suppose intense patience.
39. The nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.
See above.
4, 15, 44
04. My best first date.
RWB with James. It was by far the best first date I’ve ever had.
15. The craziest thing I’ve ever done
Crazy by what definition? I’ve repeatedly risked my life during sex with breath play and being hanged. That’s crazy. Uhm… Actually it might be skinny dipping in Ireland on the beach in January. I so would have been arrested.
44. Something I’ve repeatedly wished for.
My two front teeth. They were missing for a really long time. A boy who would look at me and really see me and want me. Oh wait.
Huh, I didn’t realize (or forgot) that you’re mostly writing on blogspot. I still mostly only read LJ, but I’d add your blogspot to my LJ reading list as a syndication.
4… oh, somebody already asked that.
9, 49, 22.
Someone did 9 too!
22. All of the places I’ve lived.
I am not capable of doing this. There have been more than 60 places. In broad strokes some of the residences that lasted longer than a year: Mountain View, Los Gatos, Whittier, Canyon Country, Fremont, Apple Valley. Those are the places that lasted a year in one place.
49. What I would tell my 18-year-old self.
Keep looking. He’s not the right one. You don’t have to stay with people who hate you so much.
7 and 9.
07. My favorite book.
Fortune is a Woman by Elizabeth Adler.
9- see above.
30. What I would do if I won the lottery.
I would like to run a battered womans shelter.
50. Why?
Why not?
13. What I did yesterday.
Ate turkey. Had an uninspiring date. Had very inspiring sex. Yay!
04, 35
I told Noah upthread that my best first date was with you. <3
My idea of a perfect date. Hm. I like paying attention to the transitions in an event. When it goes from being the early settle in period to being in the intense conversation period to when it turns into time for hot sex. I like when the transitions flow smoothly, like water. I like it when I’m encouraged to do something. When I’m told what someone else wants.
So I suppose I’m a fairly easy date.