Best day in months

Every so often I don't want to say something on blogger.  Yay lj.  Yesterday I dropped off money towards a new venture that will change a lot of the focus of my life.  I'm really excited.  It's pretty darn big.  And then… when I got home… I found a message from someone I have known in the scene for about 8 years.  It's hilarious to me that I have known her that long.  But I digress.  She's uhm, gorgeous.  And ridiculously skilled as both a top and a bottom when it comes to rope.  Like I'd pit her against Tom any day.  And she asked me out on a date.  *swoon*  We'll see how that goes.  I said YES. YES.  PLEASE OH PLEASE GOD YES.  😀  I'm excited.

And then I woke up this morning and found that a new-ish friend invited me to go to a womens party with her.  She's pretty damn cute so I'm not saying no.

How in the hell did it start raining girls?  I'm not complaining.  I'm celebrating.  It's been a long time since I was interesting to a woman.  I may have forgotten how this goes.  Oh gosh.

I'm so excited I'm bouncing.  My life is pretty wonderful.

5 thoughts on “Best day in months

  1. loren_q

    Yay, go you!

    And about the raining girls thing… good, it’s about time.

    I’m really happy for you, sounds like life is giving you a good turn.


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