I think I have nailed my perfect dirty whore profile on okcupid. I'm proud of myself. That's what I want it. It'll appear. I just know it.
Patience is not my strong suit. Ha.
Justine, if you want to look. I think it's perfect. Feedback?
I think I have nailed my perfect dirty whore profile on okcupid. I'm proud of myself. That's what I want it. It'll appear. I just know it.
Patience is not my strong suit. Ha.
Justine, if you want to look. I think it's perfect. Feedback?
96% match on 1149 question overlap.
Also, hot.
I’d do her!
Oh, and some feedback: Many people won’t read a long profile. You may be using that deliberately as a way to weed people out. So say something direct right at the top, like “don’t write me if you haven’t read my whole profile”, if that is what you want.
(drat, I’m just a bit out of her age range
Ok, changed my age range to reflect the actual ages of the people I’m sleeping with.
I say extensively at the bottom who I will and won’t respond to. I think that’s the end of my obligation.
Ooh, I’m well in the middle of the age range now!
You have no obligation at all, but I think if you say it right at the top you may get fewer responses from people who don’t read the whole thing – many of whom won’t read that part at the bottom where you describe who you’re looking for (and not looking for). You could try it for science and see if it affects what responses you get
I like the long profile. I find it interesting and engaging.
Some thoughts. Honestly my first reaction is ‘why aren’t you in Tennessee?’
My second reaction is how would you handle it if there is chemistry in email but it goes flat in person for either of you? Or if a first date otherwise goes horribly but hilariously wrong? Insecurity about those things would possibly keep me from contacting you if I didn’t already know you. Maybe that is OK? Also it sounds to me like you are excluding someones with similar circumstances, i.e. people who live with their kids. Maybe that is fine too.
Well I haven’t been able to close on my last few first dates. It happens. I go home and whine at Noah and Sarah about how hard it is to find casual sex while they both restrain themselves from thwapping me. It’s awesome.
I might be excluding some people. That’s life. I can’t fuck everyone.
And the people who know me are not actually bound to this. I’m hunting one of the Fusion guys (not telling you who, here) and I’m willing to have more than one date so we can negotiate.
He has 12 years of baggage to sort through with me. That’s worth more than one date to me. Not everyone can put out immediately. That’s ok. But I’m not going to extend that wooing courtesy to new people. I don’t have time.
This LJ comment is full of little bits I wanna quote!
I’m terribly sorry I’m not local enough to respond.
But I am delighted to have gotten a christmas card.
I nearly did cards this year–you would have been the main reason I sent anything out, but I am lame.