First (few) line(s) of each month's posts:
January: End of year schtuff:
It's been a year! I have completed the breeding period of my life.
February: If Noah hadn't gotten the all clear from his doctor I would be peeing on a stick right now.
March: Today my therapist said something very interesting. When I am meeting new people I should basically have it in my head whether I am facilitating Shanna having friends or am I looking for friends for me.
April: Cleaning did help. But not enough.
May: I'm just starting to get back into masturbating.
June: Right now I want to go down a long list of self incriminating things.
July: Day one was yesterday, I was too busy being happy to post.
August: "I suppose that is something I hadn't considered about marriage. For the rest of my life it isn't that you smell like apple cider vinegar. It's that apple cider vinegar smells like you."
September: Yesterday I turned 30 and realized it was now half my life ago that I was institutionalized.
October: Today I went down to the school where I used to teach to hang out with an old co-worker and a former student.
November: You wanted follow up DSH? Well, here's the email I'm hitting send on
December: Every so often I don't want to say something on blogger.
I kind of feel weird doing this with just lj posts because there are more interesting posts on sim.