Tuesday April 17: Walked to the park pulling the wagon (about 65 lbs). It's 3.4 miles round trip. At the park I did laps around the soccer field. I went 2.02 miles in 20:04 minutes. According to my phone that means it was 9:55 as my average speed. I hated the Garmin so I will never get precise about this sort of thing. This was the first time I have run two miles without walking at all. I'm fairly proud of that. I would like to be able to run for an hour without walking. I think that would be rather bad ass. It's not a serious goal yet. My next semi-serious goal is to be able to run three miles in 30 minutes without walking. I hope I can do that by June.
I backed way off on miles after the half marathon. I started over from scratch training for the marathon. I don't want to over train. I am not used to serious distance running. I think this is a better idea to prevent getting injured. It's not like I'm pushing myself that hard for speed. Ten minute miles are not that fast. I don't plan to try and get faster. This is a speed I can hopefully learn to carry for long distances. Fast is not the point. Fast wears me out. Fast uses different muscles and different strength. I need distance.
Yesterday was the best feeling running day I have had in a while. I think it is because I am getting closure in some ways that I need mentally. Life just goes on and it's time to let go of some stuff. I can only take care of the people in this house. That's my limit.
Breakfast: two delicious home made scones with devon cream, lemon curd, and strawberry jam. A little bit more than a full chicken and apple sausage. Tea with several tablespoons of sugar. and moo
Snack: a couple handfulls of trail mix (Shanna stole all the chocolate)
Lunch: about 1/2 a cup of pasta with two meatballs. I had just finished running and my body didn't want food.
Snack: five scones plain. See how this catches up with me?
Dinner: brown rice (about 3/4 of a cup), orange chicken (huge mound, like three servings), bok choy and carrots (about a cup), and pot stickers (8). I was hungry.
No dessert. Went to bed early. Exhausted.
we reach a point
where it’s comfort, not speed.