I started slow. I didn’t really get moving until eleven. That’s unusual for me. I painted for three hours. It is coming along.
The girls and I got along very well. The painting is a lot of fun for them. They are frustrated with the fact that painting requires work outside of the painting stage.
We went to sushi for dinner with a friend. I ate my standard chicken teriyaki.
After dinner we talked about body language stuff. Clearly if I get hit on as much as I do (and I really do–it is flattering and scary at the same time) there is something I am doing to encourage people in some way. Apparently I should stop making eye contact. I’m told that I do it in a very overly intense and flirtatious way. I’m told that the length of time I hold eye contact is just as intimate to a total stranger as a hug.
I’m dubious.
But if eye contact is part of why people think I want to have sex with them then clearly I should stop making eye contact.
Hrm. Thinking.
interesting. I realized a while ago that I’d learned early on in interacting with men to avoid eye contact, and that I think I learned that habit as part of painstakingly trying to avoid ever having men think i was interested in them. So, another data point.
(mostly it, or something, works. I’m generally left alone.)
I look at people. I make a lot of eye contact as I am just perusing a room. I think it is a social dominance thing. I learned to make eye contact very strongly because otherwise people thought they could talk over me.