Life plugs along.

Now that the bleeding is over I’m wondering if my freaking out over the past week is just my cycle.

If I can learn to time my emotional meltdowns based on my period then I can plan my life around that and not have times when I inappropriately start going off on people. I can control the swearing better. I can consciously plan how to keep the kids occupied during times when I’m not able to be emotionally present how they need. I need to think about this more. I have ~35 day cycles. I could figure out how to plan five of those as conscious rest days where I stay off the fucking internet so I don’t yell at anyone or act like a cunt.

Maybe figuring out that cycle and what adaptations I should be doing when should be next years project. “How to live in the world and not be an asshole”. Whether I have good reasons for being an asshole or not, I don’t need to actually hurt people.

If I want affiliation I need to stop driving people away and screaming at them for reaching out to me. It’s part of a whole system.

I hit 40,574 words today. I’m pretty excited. I keep reminding myself “50,000 words for NaNoWriMo; 30,000-40,000 for the real book. Kill your babies.”

Or rather hope I can find people to help me take out all my random stupid off-topic rants that I just slip in without noticing.

It’s not all about me. Really. But sometimes I don’t notice where I’ve slipped in something about me. *blush*

I’m a blogger at heart. I have been for a very long time. I like stream of conscious. I like not having to feel married to what I write being True All The Time. I write about my feelings. My feelings change very quickly. I can hate someone and love them in a flip flop experience every thirty seconds. What I feel this moment is not for always.

But books are different. Books, for me, are about recording true things. Real things. The things that remain true no matter how your fucked up sense of self is doing that day. I need the books. I need to have the verification of this standard of truth.

Does that mean I am right in every opinion I have? Oh goodness no. I’m careful to differentiate between facts and opinions and state that my opinion isn’t the only one and no one has to agree with me. I have mine for a complex list of reasons that are maybe only true for me. But here are a whole list of facts. You need to know them. Then you can form your own opinion. Please be aware of how your opinion impacts people around you and try to be polite.

But you can think anything you want. You really can. It’s ok. You don’t have to be like me.

Uhm, it’s probably better for the world if there aren’t many people like me, youknowwhatI’msayin? Be like you. The world needs more people like you.

A friend popped up with a “Here is the member of my extended clan you should be talking to.” Ok. I have step one on dealing with the pain. I don’t even get to procrastinate on calling. I should probably call on Monday and make an appointment for January. That way it will be just done.

I’m excited about the Portland trip. I am nailing down specifics of who and when and where and that’s exciting. We will see all of the people who make an effort to know me. We will mostly be hanging out at Dad’s house so the kids can get used to him.

I get to kidnap a blacksheep for nearly a week for adventure. I had not anticipated such a treasure falling into my lap this year. Maybe this is my Christmas present from Santa. All Platonic All The Time. Life is different when Santa hands me presents now. Back in the old days… very different. But I wonder if I will enjoy this more because I don’t have the mental tape of “well she’s only here because she wanted ______.” She’s only here because she wants the pleasure of my company. Merry Christmas.

I talked to my therapist about the way I am pulling back from friendships I had pre-kids. If people don’t want to know anything about my kids then they aren’t my friends. My children and my interactions with them are the biggest part of me that I have ever been proud of in my life. This is the only part of me that does not radiate pain in every corner. I have had five years of not feeling like a worthless piece of shit whore.

If you don’t want to know my kids then I think you must not like anything good about me. I think that maybe I shouldn’t want to know you.

But it isn’t exactly like that with people who live far away. I’m not sure why. If someone lives permanently across the country they get a pass. I think we can be friends for the hour a year I’m in town and I don’t care if you know my kids.

Why do I hold the people within a fifty mile radius to such an impossible standard? I don’t know but I do.

Yesterday I was informed that I would be taking a rest day. Shanna told me so. We played games instead of gardening. I guess that means I should get to work today. We had a great day. I napped.

I am cautious about feeling happy or upbeat today because I dislike the way I bounce. I feel self conscious and silly and irrational. But I think it is accurate.

I worry about trying to flatline my expression of the experience because I feel so pathetic for the extremes of the emotion bumps. It just happens. Don’t judge. It’s not something I can control all that well. I’m trying to learn how to control it better.

I’m sorry I fail so much. I’m really sorry. This is the process though. You don’t learn how to do things right without making thousands of mistakes.

13 thoughts on “Life plugs along.

  1. From Debs

    Man, I freaking love the internet and google.
    I’m reading, Kill your babies, and I think, I’m sure that’s a reference for something. LMGTFY. I was right! It’s a thing. It’s even in Urban Dictionary. HOW did people live before google??? I have no idea. I’m so much dumber without the internet.
    Okay bye! :))

  2. Paula

    Years ago, the husband of a close friend had certain days on his upcoming calendar in bold, flashing red numbers. When she confronted him, he admitted, “Those are the days you are likely to be hormonal. I am warning myself in advance.”

  3. Dana

    I like reading about your kids, even though I have issues being around children. They sound pretty awesome.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      They really are awesome. And like all children they won’t be children forever and then they will be extra awesome. Then you might actually enjoy their company. 🙂

      Kids are fucking annoying. I get it.

      Specifically: as someone with an abusive background I find children incredibly triggering. They have no god damn respect. They are rough and rude and thoughtless. It is really hard to be around.

      I’m trying to turn them into adults I can stand.

      1. Dana

        my issues really aren’t *exactly* with kids. I have some ocd problems with food and stickiness which mean the concept of, say, a toddler with a messy face and grabby sticky hands makes my heart rate go up even on meds. (without meds, I’ve had panic attacks about sharing mealtime with small children.)
        but really, an adult doing the same thing would be just as bad, except that if an adult doesn’t stay away when I tell them I can kick and scream, but I’m supposed to just put up with small children.

        1. Dana

          …commenting on my phone is fail and sends early.

          Anyway, the point is that once kids are out of the “touching while possibly sticky” stage, I’m much better. If they want to talk about books or science, I’m up for that with anyone, and some of the kid-level science experiments are wonderful. So…let me know when they get to that point? I also have favorite math homeschooling books that I believe i started with around 8 or 9.

          1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

            My kids are already at the point where they know that eating is followed by washing up. I scream at them if they come at me covered in food. (Not in a mean way but more like shrieking “AAAAHHHH”.) They don’t grab people with food any more. That’s been over for a while now. 🙂

            Although they are sticky sometimes. They have some weird toys. But they are good at washing up when necessary.

            I don’t think anyone has to put up with my kids touching them. Ever. Under any circumstances for any reason. Just like my kids don’t have to put up with anyone else touching them. 🙂

          2. Dana

            i seem to have overflowed the reply chain…
            We’ll be there for your holiday thing. Is S reading on her own yet?

          3. Krissy Gibbs Post author

            She says she will start reading at 6.5 which is approximately when I started so I can’t say anything negative. 🙂

  4. Wendy Rama

    I feel awful about not following through with plans to go out. I have a million and one excuses but they don’t matter in the end if I made you feel shitty for even a millisecond.

    It’s amazing how I bloody couldn’t stand you when we first met years ago and now your words, your process, your raw honesty, has me enraptured. I’m in awe.

    Take stress B vitamins, just the classic mixture from Walgreens, Costco, wherever. It’s a mood swing fluctuation miracle cure. It can’t hurt, so try it. Now.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      I am taking vitamins. My therapist insists. Fish oil is also very important for fluctuating moods. 🙂

      I’m glad you have stopped disliking me…


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