Normally my writing is about whatever I have in mind on a given day. I can be organized in my thinking/writing but I rarely bother.
That said, a variety of situations keep popping up where people are like, “You should speak!” My response is, “On what topic?!”
So I come to you my loyal and intrepid blog readers. What topics do you think I could speak about? What topics do you see me bring up in a way that could be organized with some work? What would you be interested in seeing me consciously expound upon with more fixed intensity?
Inquiring minds want to know. (See, I didn’t even put a smiley here. I’ve been so disciplined about it.)
I would suggest looking through the categories on the right-hand side of this page. See which categories have the most and/or longest posts. You clearly have a bit to say on those topics. If you have a lot to say about them, I’m guessing there are other people who are looking for info or want to share their own experiences and thoughts.
One of the talks I got the best feedback on was one I’d prepared an hour and a half talk for. I got maybe 15-20 minutes into it and was interrupted so many times by my audience wanting to share their own experiences that I finally clued into shutting up and letting them talk. They thought I was fantastic!
personally, I love the kid stuff. oh… looking at LJ. I guess you mean like publicly, not just on the blog. Well, unschooling is gaining a following. Education. Though education opinions are like assholes :-/ (and I overuse smileys myself). It may be challenging to ride above the noise. But I love your education topics and theories. Like, on Saturday I told my godmother about Shanna’s kindergarten accomplishments, and I don’t just mean the “Asian academic” stuff I asked about.
Oh, actually I’d love it if you would write more (here) about Shanna’s non-academic accomplishments that you’ve worked on with her. Like her control over emotions, understand other people’s feelings, etc. (Because I don’t remember most of those, but I remember all the academic stuff you told me.
Hm what else. No-nonsense sex ed?
OH. Communication and marriage. Like, the pre-marital counseling.
Poverty. Okay, I picked one. You speak eloquently on poverty. This is information that is not commonly accessible to people in my socio economic circle. (At least, mine. Unless we go seeking it.)