Never just one thing

Overall I am in a good place. I’ve been pretty consistent in my emotional state and behavior over the past few days. But then there are those crashing waves of missing my mother. Having my life be overall wonderful makes those bits harder.

Why can’t I bring my mom along on this awesome-family-ride. Because my mom would wreck it. Because she would come to my house and tell me softly and sweetly how every terrible thing that goes wrong with anyone is my fault because I am so terrible. She would tell my kids that people suffer for them. She would tell my kids that it is all their fault that bad things happen to their parents.

You can’t control other people. My mom is who she is. She has had a viciously awful life and she has coped as best she may. I don’t really blame her for coping the way she has. Deflecting blame is a lot of how she keeps the worst of the misery from drowning her. I get it. I don’t even feel angry any more. But I won’t let my kids be the bottom of the shit hill.

I was asked why I didn’t just back off on time with my friend I’m having conflict with. Because he is autistic and that is EVERYONES first go to. If I put strict boundaries on the conversations he doesn’t bother me and we don’t have the conflict. We have extreme conflict because he’s a large white man who believes he has been persecuted as badly as any human ever. I can see why he thinks that. He certainly is treated badly. And to all evidence he is literally incapable of seeing anything but his point of view. He’s not just being stubborn.

I can see more points of view. I’m not sure if it is an advantage or disadvantage. I can see that he truly has suffered a great deal in his life.

Being a large white male doesn’t save you from being beaten up and raped and shunned and loathed just for existence. If you are weird you should die. I get it.

I’ve just lived in enough non-white areas that I see what my white privilege has granted me. I don’t think he has had similar experiences and I’m not sure he could internalize the lessons at this point anyway. At some point you are who you are.

I’m not who I will be yet. I’m still changing really fast. Some people don’t change very much. Some people are almost exactly the same at 60 as they are at 19. I admire that and despise it at the same time. I think I despise it because it is so far outside the realm of my capabilities and that makes me feel pathetic.

Today is a don’t-go-anywhere-don’t-socialize day. Tomorrow is a small amount of socializing for me. Sunday is a half marathon. I’m not feeling all that ready. I’m not eating right and I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong exactly. My belly has felt really heavy and lump-like lately. Like most of my food is just sitting in my stomach undigested as a big rock. My legs are tight and sore. I think this might be a rough race. I need to back off on my hopes to be fast and just finish. It’ll be ok. My knee has been twinging. My ankle keeps giving me trouble. Not like OH MY GOD I CAN’T RUN but I have to slow down and be careful and deliberate in my foot placement.

When my kids snuggle up and tell me I am the best mama in the world I tell them that I am glad they like me because I am not everyones cup of tea. Shanna smiles at me and says, “Well they can have any wrong opinion they want to have.” I love my daughter with the power of a thousand suns. I feel so lucky that I get to spend all day with someone who likes me so much.

I’m still excessively grooving on this stay at home parent thing. No, I don’t want to send them off to school so I can have “me time”. I get me time. Maybe not as much as my friends who work but Noah and the kids and I have figured it out. It took a while. It took the kids getting old enough to entertain themselves and meet a lot of their own needs. I no longer have to assist with every pee or poop in the house. It is glorious to be freed from such a time consuming obligation. And I do less laundry. HALLELUJAH! You don’t appreciate the lack of something until you do it for years.

I can’t have the mama I want. But the nice lady who let me paint on her fence last summer is giving me lots of seeds. She saves from her garden. And she wants to sit around and exchange Chinese words for English words about plants. Peepaw (spelling is completely fucked) is the sound for the word that mean loquat. And that is the one I can sound out well enough to kind of write down. She told me at least fifteen more and that’s the one I remember the next day. I’m kinda slow and stupid sometimes.

I should learn the words for things I like to eat instead of for things I’m not that into. Duh.

I would like to be able to passably get food in about six languages. That would make me very happy before we take off on our year-long international adventure. Donde esta el bano (yes I know I am missing accent marks but it would take me multiple minutes of staring at the keyboard to get accent marks because I haven’t used them in a few years and I’m a lazy fucker and I can’t remember and… pretend I know that the e and the a and the n all have accents–ok?) is a phrase I need to be able to translate into Mandarin (more common than Cantonese), Thai (we are thinking about Thailand), French (much of Africa speaks French), and I already know it in English and Spanish. Only three languages to go.

Beat head against wall.

I feel very happy that language acquisition is one of the main tasks of my life for the next few years. I like the way it is self evident. Either I study and can talk to people or I stand there mute and feel awkward. I like those kinds of situation. “This is on you. Get it done or it will be hella obvious you were too fucking lazy.”

I haven’t edited in a while. I’ll get it done. Maybe I’ll do table work in the kitchen today with the kids. They like that. Clearly I’m not doing it during my pre-dawn time. I’m enjoying the lack of serious thinking. I’m mentally tired.

I’m keeping a lot in my head. Not that it’s important or anything. But I rehearse a lot of things in my head. I feel tired. My head feels sore. I feel like I try to think too many hours of the day. These purges help a lot. Thank you internet, you are there for me. I appreciate that.

I’m being a chicken shit about a number of things for no good reason. I’m just scared. Any time you act you risk people rejecting you. I’d rather sit at home alone by choice than be rejected and find out that I’m at home alone because no one wants me.

Let’s be clear that I’m not delusional enough to believe that no one likes me. That’s not the point. But there will always be people who have feelings in my direction that are hard for me to handle. And I have to deal with that without being an asshole. That takes work. I’m not always good at that work. Sometimes I’m really bad. Sometimes I fuck up relationships because how dare those people have big feelings. I am such an asshole.

I don’t think I’ve done anything awful recently. Always hard to tell.

Ok, I’m ready to stop typing. Have a day.

5 thoughts on “Never just one thing

  1. From Debs

    That’s really neat. I get why “bathroom” is an important first phrase. Since I usually had access to one, my first phrase was always learning “thank you”, I can probably say that easily in a dozen languages off the top of my head, and at least a dozen more will sound familiar.

    I tell people who want to learn Mandarin that the most important phrase (often after thank you) is “Hen2 Hao3 Tsr1”
    (pronunciation, click on the speaker:)
    because Chinese people are _very vain_ about their food. There will be offerings of food sooner or later and this is the only correct response to at least the first offering. Well. Sooner, really.

    A lot of countries say “toilet” instead of bathroom, or WC or lavatory. A common euphemism in Chinese translates literally to ‘hand washing room’, and I think you could get away with a hand gesture equivalent of that.
    I really love the Lonely Planet phrasebooks. They have fun phrases.
    last sentence in intro: “and pipa (枇杷) in Mandarin.” (not to be confused with the Pipa instrument with the same pronunciation (but dif words))

    I’ve only had it as the Pipa Gao cough syrup
    but last week my cousin offered me some fruit.

  2. From Debs

    And just for fun, a legit word for a type of papaya in Australia is “pawpaw.” That’s English. Australian English. Well. Possibly Aboriginal Australian English.

  3. WendyP

    One should always know Please, Thank you, and the 6 Bs: Beer/Beverage-of-choice, bed, bathroom, breakfast, bus, and bye/hi. Those alone will get you most anywhere you need to go. At the very least, you will have attempted to speak the language, and people will typically be all sorts of forgiving at that point.


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