I leave in 32 days. On one hand… I’d like to leave tomorrow. On the other hand… I am scared. I’m scared of pain and failure. My hands hurt. Sometimes gripping things is a problem. Notice how good I’m being about not typing much? Trying to heal.
My belly hurts. I’m hungry. Dinner was light.
So many feelings. My shrink is pushing me to change how I interact with people. Make my plans and move forward. Don’t try so hard to get people on the same page. Don’t ask for specifics. Don’t try to nail people down to actual agreement. Either they show up or they don’t. Either their plans work or they don’t. She wants me to stop canceling a whole day of plans when someone in an inner circle speaks up and wants time. She wants me to reserve less time for people based on the emotional weight I give the relationship.
People will show up or not and I burn a lot of energy on planning and trying to get people to commit. Folks don’t like committing.
I feel like my shrink is being really fucking bossy lately. She’s given me more specific feedback on “X friendship doesn’t seem to be meeting your needs and you should step back” over the past few months. She’s pushing me to push people away. I have feelings about that.
She wants me to have more boundaries around me.
One of my lovely neighbors asked if I wanted her to come over so she can help me weed the garden. We will work on my abysmal Mandarin and her moderate English at the same time. Sounds fabulous. (Oh, Pam: she was sad when I said you were not available to join us. She wishes your grandmother a speedy recovery; she wishes more grandchildren were so dutiful.)
Splitting the kids into separate rooms was the right choice. As was coming down like a box of hammers over eating out. That stopped the fighting that was reaching a fevered pitch. Calli hasn’t felt the need to get in my face and tell me off since. Thank goodness. Having separate space is such a fabulous novelty that when I declare cool-off-time in separate rooms everyone is cheerful and excited. I’m aware that it will change over time.
We are going to have adventures with “I get to decide who is allowed in my room”.
We are still slowly dividing up belongings to figure out what gets stored where. It’s a process.
I think it is funny that Shanna wanted her bed flipped back into a bunk bed because this way it has sides and she doesn’t fall off the platform. A low bed isn’t safer for her.
Calli has been exhausted lately. She must be growing. She’s been napping more days than not for a week or two. Good timing. Outgrow your clothing now, before we leave on the trip.
I’m bleeding. This will be my last period using cloth pads until December. It’s disposables for most of the year. Ew, tampons. Owie, yucky, fuss, and ick. And yet the cloth pads hurt my tail bone.
32 days to go. I’m slowly getting the house cleaner. I’m not sure why I prioritize this as much as I do other than… when we come home it will be such a pleasure. I won’t have cubbies of delayed work waiting to crash on my head. I’m even doing my fucking filing.
My garden is wonderful. I have taken pictures. I should post them. Which means I should plug my phone in and transfer pictures. erk.
Perhaps a cup instead of tampon? It’s less painful for me, anyway.
Oh I can’t stand the cups. And they are hella messy…. which I don’t want to deal with while camping.
I don’t know what you want from your therapist, so I don’t know if it’s ok for them to be so… directing… with you.
I do know that when I finally gave up on meeting people for one particular activity (climbs) and just started showing up and doing it myself, I got to do the activity, and when folks chose to come with, it was a nice bonus. I still have a lot of feelings around this, and it is hard for me to remember that climbers are flakey as anything, and they are usually not flaking AT me. Cos for me it feels that way.
So maybe that suggestion might be useful for you if you have a similar problem of I-planned-this-and-then-the-person-changed-plans-and-that-sends-me-into-bad-feelings-even-if-they-cancelled-for-a-totally-good-reason-that-I-know-is-not-about-me-but-I’m-still-not-OK, but I don’t know (because I am not you.)
I’m not sure if this is ok. I’ve not dealt with quite this level of direction before.