I spend a lot of time worrying that what I want isn’t fair. Not to Noah, not to the people I am propositioning, not to my kids, maybe even not to me.
What is “fair”?
Noah is having some feelings about how much time I’m spending thinking about the folks I’m chasing. That is logical and reasonable. I haven’t spent much time with anyone yet. It’s mostly in my head and some IMing and letters and emails. It’s almost entirely emotional energy at this point. But he notices.
I feel like it isn’t fair that I forcefully reject the label of polyamorous because I just can’t take on being responsible for someone’s needs that way. This article reminds me that I don’t have much to offer.
The thing is… I actually do talk to my prey quite a bit. I think there is a big difference between one-offs I pick up at parties (where I usually will not even write down my email address or phone number or name: if you can remember my name to google me you can find me) and the people I…
am attached to.
Because this is love. I don’t want to call it polyamory because I have issues of my own. But this is love.
Why do I love my submissive? Because he is smart, funny, he’s a great father. I have barely met one of his children one time many many years ago in a waving from the car sort of thing (I think but I might be remembering wrong) so I’m judging from his self-descriptions.
But I know how much time he spends. I know what activities he engages in. I know how he encourages his kids to try and fail and get up again. I respect him.
Even though I disagree with some of the decisions that his personal beliefs lead him to make… I actually have respect for the fact that he has his faith and he is going to god damn act it out. It matters to him and I really respect that. I respect it when people take their faith (whatever that is) seriously.
My faith is it takes all kinds. And if we are going to all make it that will take money and help.
I love the way he has taken care of his slave. He has one of the longest term M/s relationships I know. They are so loving and considerate and caring. Being around them always makes me feel just a little bit happier that such people are in the world. I respect that they model how to talk to one another and be loving while having boundaries.
I even really respect the fact that even with ownership between them they get to do what they each need to do for their lives.
Because we are all different. We are all complicated. We all have such different needs. They show me one way of working out those different needs. They don’t switch together because that’s a complicated thing in a dynamic. But other people are different.
I can understand to some degree. I can’t switch with Noah. Sometimes that is hard. Sometimes I think it simplifies things and improves my life. I appreciate that Noah doesn’t have a strong need for me to turn on dominance with him when I’m totally not in the mood. That was hard with my Owner. He’s a very switchy person. He wanted to have ultimate control of what kind of stimulation he was getting when, but sometimes he wanted to be dominated on demand and that was serious work for me.
I have a deep, burning inner sadist but this dominance thing is different. No matter what my submissive is saying. He doesn’t know. Picture me sticking my tongue out but this is a smiley free zone.
Today I took youngest child to the penultimate ballet class of the series and I used the hour to exercise. I ran for 40 minutes then I did a bunch of crunches/push ups/planks/leg lifts/etc until I needed to get the kidlet.
I have an increasingly weird opinion of my body. Why can’t I get stronger and stay fat this isn’t fair. I do drop weight pretty fast when I start heavily exercising. I feel this awful feeling of “See. If you only cared about your looks you could be thin” and I want to scream back WATCH ME BUY 15 GALLONS OF ICE CREAM AND EAT IT ALL THIS WEEK MOTHERFUCKER I’LL SHOW YOU ‘CARES ABOUT LOOKS!”
Ahem. But I’m not sure that is actually good for my health. So I don’t know what I’m doing.
I want to be better able to ride Noah (or anyone else). So I want to get better at running. Because right now I want to do that. I’ve been having a lot of fun on top lately with Noah even though that is historically not much my thing.
Really lots has been changing about my sexual interests over the last few years. On one hand Noah is so ideal because he is up for trying anything with the merest suggestion. On the other hand I’ve kind of exhausted the things he really wants to try.
Even though people are constantly surprised that I’m not the top in the relationship… no… I like being a sexual follower. I like doing what you want to do err, but let’s be clear that is if you are in the mood to do what I like doing. Cause I’m a selfish shithead. I like being told what to do and how to do it. Even if what you like isn’t perfectly my favorite I really like that you want to tell me to do it.
So I’m in an interesting place with my submissive. He thinks I’ve been so dominant with him and I think I’ve been an incredibly perceptive service top. I say the things to you I wish someone was saying to me.
I’m actually looking forward to Noah watching me top in a few weeks. He’s never seen me top Sarah. He’s never seen me seriously beat on anyone. I feel like… after ten years he gets to meet a whole new me.
This is terrifying and exciting at the same time.
I hope it doesn’t change how he sees me too much.
I need to review some anatomy lessons. Especially the bone structure of the face.
God I’m mean.
No marks anyone can see when you go to work. I’ll be good.
I may draw these lines with a bright red marker to remind me. And cross out the no-no areas on the body with bright red. Because I’m still learning new boundaries and it’s important I don’t fuck this up.
The amount of trust that is being placed in me, quite frankly, scares the shit out of me. Why would anyone put their physical safety in my hands like this? Why would anyone give me permission to do this much damage to their body?
Shit, why am I just about begging the Professor on my knees to be just as rough or worse with me?
Because I’m a masochist.
Because I’m a sadist.
Because I have wonderful, complimentary friends who can help take me to heights of ecstasy completely impossible in vanilla sex. I know. I’ve tried and tried and tried.
I want someone completely and totally pedantic to crawl inside my head and whisper pretty much whatever he wants because I have faith that he sees me better than I see myself and I think he will say things I should hear.
I hope my submissive trusts me for fairly similar reasons.
I know Sarah trusts me for that reason. Lots of history proving that I will tell you what you really need to get programmed into your inside voice as I cause your body to absolutely flood with chemicals so that these lessons can be beaten as deeply into your unconscious existence as possible.
You are good. You are worthy. You are strong. You are beautiful. You are so very necessary. You are wonderful. I see you. I am so happy you are here. Thank you for being here with me. Thank you for loving me. I love you. I love you. I love you.
The script varies and has different components but that’s kind of the basis of what I like to beat into people.
I don’t hit people because I want them to feel small or bad or wicked. I hit people because it is fucking hot and you are so fucking nice for letting me do this. Extra bonus points if it gets you off. I’m completely satisfied with you just enjoying it.
For me, and for some other perverts I know, bdsm is sex of the mind and the body but not necessarily of the genitals. It can involve the genitals but it doesn’t have to. It’s about the chemical experience of strong sensations in your body. It’s about the power dynamic of doing that to someone or letting someone do that to you. Submitting your body to someone else’s desires is hotter than the sun.
I mean, I think. But I’m highly sexually submissive. I just don’t do that without serious negotiation. I think those kinds of roles are things that must be highly explicitly stated. I think the expectations must be verbally agreed on or (preferably) written down so that can be reviewed as necessary.
Power exchange means permission to have expectations about how you will be treated. Without some serious verbal negotiation (or written for an ongoing relationship) it is inappropriate to get into a situation where you have serious expectations of how you will be treated.
Folks just don’t actually generally sign on for that. Not when it comes to pain play and power imbalanced relationships. Not anymore. Once upon a time such things were normal and expected but things have changed.
Now it’s abuse. If someone tries to control you or hurt you without extensively asking your permission they are an abuser and you need help.
Things change.
We have to adapt. Even if our wiring doesn’t want to. Even if we would be much more successful predators if we were more up front about our hunting.
Side note. There are many women in this world I’d like to meet and talk to. How does it feel to live in your world and have this many partners? I’m kinda a freak in my world.
I’m not sure they want to talk to me. Maybe I’ll find out some day.
You never know what might happen. Life is long.
It is weird how with every passing year I feel like I have more and more I want to do before I die. I feel so much more urgency to be busy and active and accomplish things. Shit. I might live to be as old as 80. That’s a lot of fucking time to fill. I’d better make lists. Or I’m going to be old and be pissed I wasted so much time.
Sometimes I’m quite angry with myself for how I spent my childhood. Then I try to find compassion. If I had been out trying to exercise by myself as I moved around as a child the horror stories I experienced would have been much more frequent.
It’s ok that I hid. I had good reasons. I need to stop hating myself for everything I had to do to get through hell.
It’s over. I can change now. I can do something different.
I feel guilty, Noah. I feel like I’m letting you down. I also feel like I’ve been dragging and dragging and dragging for a long time. I think you are filling my bucket with everything you have going spare.
I need a deluge from somewhere. So I have a nice safe deity lined up who will fuck me senseless and maybe eventually get around to hurting me; a nice safe Professor who will beat the shit out of me and (we’ll see); Sarah who wants me to gleefully beat on her while telling stupid jokes; and a nice submissive who wants me to make him bleed and bleed.
That’s a deluge if ever I’ve produced one. That’s a lot of energetic stuff going on.
I’ve never managed a line up that felt this intense this… instantly… before. April is going to be god damn intense.
Oh yeah, and I’ll be playing with Noah and our normal sex life will continue. Cause that’s not going to change.
I have a very hard time feeling like this is ok. But whether it is ok or not I am going to do it. Because Noah is the only person who could stop me (other than my proposed partners losing interest) and he’s… ok with it.
Maybe that’s over stating. He’s nervous right now.
I get it. I’m being a selfish bitch.
I feel like I am about to god damn explode out of this little box that my life is allowed to be. This is not all of who I am. I am big. I am so many things. I am so many people. I want so many experiences at so many intensity levels. I want all of it. I want all of you.
I’m a little surprised I managed to damn this for four years. That’s my longest stretch of monogamy in my life.
Watch the riverbanks flood. Just wait. Soon there will be so much green.
Speaking of which: I’m very happy with how the tile mosaics are coming along. As long as these people I already dislike manage to install this well… I will live in a gorgeous house. I’m a lot more talented than I thought, which is kind of funny.
I can make beautiful things. No, not perfect. No I don’t make pictures that look like photographs. But I help people feel feelings.
That’s all I’m trying to do.
Different people encourage me to look at myself in different ways. Yes, they may call me filthy names, but they also concretely say, “Let’s look at x, y, and z and talk about it objectively.”
Because the filthy names are at uhm, my request. It’s ok. It gets me off.
So the whore thing is so complicated. On one hand I want to stop having this negative thing in my head where I keep coming back to this awful place of feeling bad about who I am. On the other hand if someone is hurting me and fucking me and whispers that I’m a whore and I should come…
I will. Over. And over. And over.
I kinda don’t want to give that up just cause it isn’t pc? It is super hot.
But I want it to stop being part of my negative tape when I am having a bad day. I want to stop randomly feeling bad about myself and calling myself a whore because of it. That’s dumb.
I want to change that.
But eliminating the word whore from my life entirely isn’t it.
That would be easier. Avoiding this powder keg would be easier. But then I wouldn’t get to orgasm like that and I’m not that pc.
about Noah being nervous.. I think it’s a good sign. You are about to introduce new dynamics into your relationship which is always tricky and fraught. But being in a rut and unsatisfied also is a danger to the relationship, so it’s great that you check in with each other and talk about your concerns. Whatever happens, enjoy the ride!
I really like your description of your submissive and his slave. Does he read this?
There’s more I want to say but someone’s at the front door.
I’m really curious what personal decisions I’ve made that you question. The white linen “Don Johnson” jacket was long gone well before we ever met, so I don’t even know how you even heard about that, and I swear, really, it was an actual “thing” at one time.
I’m not going to discuss them here or now.
It isn’t that I question. It is that I would make different decisions.
Actually, I’m reasonably confident that I knew what you were referring to, and if so then I know that you would make different decisions and have made different decisions.
Mostly I just saw an opportunity to try to be amusing with that “bad ’80’s fashion” gag, and I thought I’d try to entertain you.
That works.
So, iirc, I think my Mom actually met the Mosuo people when she was on tour in yunnan. I’m too lazy to write it down but I was fascinated and I’ll tell you the little I know and have learned. But I don’t think it’s what you’re thinking. Did you see this part about walking marriages and myths?
I did see it. I understand that it won’t be what I’m thinking. That’s what I’m interested in. What *is* it?
Elaine has an issue when my thinking of others makes me not present for her. And to some degree, so do I when she’s caught up in her other-signficant-other’s stuff.
It’s not insecurity so much as it’s “Hey, I’m right here, where are you?”
It’s tricky during NRE, but we’ve learned (not perfected) how to make sure that “our time” really is our time.