If you want me to know you are thinking about me, you could leave a comment with a little story about your life recently. I’d love to know what is up with you.
Happy Biiiiiiiirthday tooooooooooo meeeeeeeeeee!
If you want me to know you are thinking about me, you could leave a comment with a little story about your life recently. I’d love to know what is up with you.
Happy Biiiiiiiirthday tooooooooooo meeeeeeeeeee!
Happy Birthday!!!
I went to BAGG on Wednesday and hung with a friend of mine. Eventually he turns to me and goes “you’re one of the most amazing people I know, why aren’t you out there picking up a new boy!”
My reply: “boys are stupid.”
He toasted me and we continued chatting.
It was kind of cool to have a ridiculously hot guy tell me I was awesome. Working on believing it
You are one of the most amazing people I know. This person has good sense. I hope you believe it someday too.
Once upon a time last Wednesday, L went down to LA and drove up our shiny new red car. Ta-daaaaa!
Wow! That’s huge! Congratulations! *throw glitter*
Dug out my keyboard to type this. (New laptop went back to store today. I am very unhappy with it. I will, however, be getting access to Facetime shortly, so :thumbsup:)
Hanging out and volunteering as a Fall Fellow for the Dems here in battleground central. Went to a training today. Will now go write blog post about it (I hope). I haven’t caught Hillary fever, but the hq is a nice liberal haven for me here, where people care.
It’s inspiring enough that I’d like to suggest that Noah or you take your future president to the Fremont headquarters to check it out. I met the president? of NARAL and she said some inspiring things. OH and I also got to shake hands with TK and wife AH, and tell him my concerns in person, which was PRETTY COOL.
I found the website for you, Surrogate events would be the easies, but I don’t see any listed. You don’t need to do any of their activities, if their office is like ours (and it is supposed to be), the team would appreciate even if you brought them some snacks / food / drinks during the phone banking as they ask for volunteers (which they need bc they need to build up the volunteer infrastructure so that when people walk in last minute for GOTV here and in swing states, there are trained folks already here to support that influx.)
Okay I’m going to go write it now. It’s fascinating.
Also also— there was that one year I did what you did for my birthday on FB (bc I didn’t want 200 msgs just saying FB) and I asked them for 6-10 words on their current life and it was one of the best birthday gift years ever.
Oh hai! A very happy birthday to you! I found the right venue to deliver my greetings just under the wire! I see you are actually home, and I have so many balls in the air right now…it’s too much for a short story…suffice to say, building our empire, balancing our happiness with our work, and trying to care for a generation who doesn’t understand or appreciate how much we’ve learned. Cryptic. Fodder for some good conversations. Perhaps in person before too long…planning to do a lot more road tripping soon.
It would be lovely to talk in person. I want to hear all the stories. Thanks for checking in.
aaaannddd Happy belated! I disconnect on weekends, my apologies for the delay.
My life recently has been about abundance; mostly with Elaine, but also with tomatoes.
My plants are insane this year, apparently they really like my dirt.
That is very exciting! I think I have over watered and made my dirt less than perfect. I will continue to experiment. I am thrilled, as always, to hear that things continue so well with Elaine. Y’all inspire me.
Hi I hope you had a wonderful birthday. Right now mostly things are the usual combo of work and reading/crafts/fun stuff. A couple of weekends ago Fritz and I went to visit my family for my niece Pipers second birthday. It was great fun. I got to see my Sisters new house. We went to her house for dinner the first evening as my parents were busy picking the Zin from my Dad’s Hobby vineyard. It was really nice to see her place and it is starting to come together nicely. Piper was very excited to have people over at her house she was buzzing around like a humming bird.
Then on Sunday we had her birthday party. My Mom and I decorated her cake with Dori and Nemo. We also made a great dinner of Potatoes a Gratin, homemade fried calamari, baked Halibut and a tomato salad. Now we are starting to get ready for a trip to Lassen National Park. I am looking forward to the down time.
That all sounds so lovely! I’m happy to hear about you enjoying your family so much. You are a wonderful auntie. Enjoy your downtime in Lassen.
Happy Birthday!
I have been buried deep in Babyland. I keep thinking she is such a mellow and independent baby that I ought to be able to get more things done –some kind of major project — but also she is just 3 months old and really it is okay not to be doing a lot else.
Some friends of ours started a group chat room which has been really nice to hang out in while nursing etc. It actually seems to be filling the space left by the lounge in my first college dorm, which I have missed ever since I graduated.
A slack channel? Sarah invited me to one, but I never seem to turn it on. I miss my IRC channel.
I don’t hold myself responsible for doing almost anything in the first year. <3 Be self absorbed. It is awesome.
Yes! Now I am in two overlapping friend-group Slacks and we started one for household stuff since it has some advantages over Google Hangouts, which we had been using. It’s a nice product! I’m not usually this fond of software.
I am glad you are finding good ways to meet your needs.