I’ve now been married for eleven years.
I like Noah. I don’t just mean I like what he does for me. I like him. I like the way he smiles. I love the way he softens around me like butter, as if I’m safe.
I like that even though I sometimes get very mad at him for having different opinions than I have, he doesn’t back down and he stubbornly defends his sources because he came to this conclusion for reasons. I like that he doesn’t bend at my whims.
I love watching him parent. I picked Noah as a coparent and I made a really god damn good choice. He’s such a good parenting partner for me. Our kids shine with love and that isn’t all me.
I appreciate how much work he’s willing to do to help me figure out my complicated body.
I like how hard it is to go to sleep sometimes because I wannna keep taaaaaalking to hiiiiiiiim.
If you had asked me when I was 10 years old if I believed I would grow up to have a good marriage I would have fallen down laughing. But here I am.
Happy Anniversary!
And I’m happy for you both and your whole family.